

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal MPs urge government rethink on effects test to help small business

By James Massola and Matthew Knott

Frustrated Coalition MPs have flagged concerns the Abbott government has dropped plans to help small business, a week after cabinet shelved the introduction of a controversial "effects test".

Nine Coalition MPs spoke out on the issue on Tuesday, with the vast majority backing Small Business Minister Bruce Billson, who has been leading the push to introduce the effects test, designed to reduce the power of big business.

Small Business Minister Bruce Billson had been leading the push to introduce the effects test.

Small Business Minister Bruce Billson had been leading the push to introduce the effects test.Credit: Rob Homer

Mr Billson had been working on introducing the test into competition law - as recommended by the Harper Review - but last week saw the proposal delayed indefinitely by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, with the support of other senior ministers including Treasurer Joe Hockey.

But Mr Abbott pushed back against the MPs, warning the Coalition party room not to take a "theological view" on the value of an effects test. MPs should not become too wedded to an effects test as a cure to small business' woes because lawyers can argue it both ways, Mr Abbott warned.

Major retailer Coles and Woolworths oppose the change.

Major retailer Coles and Woolworths oppose the change. Credit: Quinn Rooney

The change is opposed by the Business Council of Australia and major retailers such as Coles and Woolworths which want competition laws to remain unchanged.

MPs and senators who raised the issue during the party room meeting include Bert Van Manen, Craig Kelly, Matt Canavan, Matt Williams, Andrew Southcott and Ian Macdonald.

An effects test would toughen competition law by cracking down on business behaviour with "the purpose or likely effect of substantially lessening competition".

Senator Canavan said: "Given the strong support in the party room for an effects test, I hope this is reconsidered by cabinet.


"Big business is a protected species under current competition laws. The laws are too complex and hard to enforce."

Another MP said: "There is broad support for changes to section 46 of the Trade Practices Act.

"Given the sentiment in the party room, it will hopefully give Bruce permission to get going on this issue again."

A third MP said that while "not everyone was specifically in favour of the effects test", MPs had been "supportive of the minister [Mr Billson] and making sure we help small business".

Mr Kelly spoke against an effects test, saying he disagreed with many colleagues that the change would even the playing field for small business.

"I believe the effects test is a false argument," he said. "What was proposed by Harper would take small business backwards rather than forwards. My view is different to a lot of other people."

The discussion will renew pressure on the Abbott government to review its decision to put any changes to the Competition Act on hold.

Mr Billson denied he had been rolled by cabinet on an effects test and said the Harper Review's recommendations were still under consideration.

Mr Billson said there was a very strong case for changing the Trade Practices Act because it is a "dud" which "does not work".

"It is like a hunting dog that won't leave the porch," he told 2GB.

"It is possibly the weakest of its kind anywhere in the developed world."

Labor treasury spokesman Chris Bowen said the push back in the Coalition party room about the stalled effects test was effectively a no-confidence motion in Mr Hockey.

"The cabinet - and now party room - division over an effects test is a direct function of Mr Hockey failing to take carriage of important competition policy matters from the start," he said.

"Let's be clear, an effects test is disastrous economic policy, it would have a chilling effect on competition and see an increase in the cost of living for Australian families."

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