

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro takes swipe at 'sabre rattling' diplomacy

By Latika Bourke

One of the Prime Minister's backbenchers has appeared to take a swipe at Tony Abbott's "sabre rattling" diplomacy, praising the "nuanced subtlety" adopted by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop during Peter Greste's imprisonment in Egypt.

Queensland Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro, who has previously complained about a culture of "fear and intimidation" within the government, made the comments in Parliament, speaking on a motion marking Peter Greste's release from jail in Egypt.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, pictured with Tony Abbott and George Brandis, says the Prime Minister's comments linking tsunami aid to the clemency bid for the two Australians on death row in Bali was seen as "unhelpful" by Indonesia.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, pictured with Tony Abbott and George Brandis, says the Prime Minister's comments linking tsunami aid to the clemency bid for the two Australians on death row in Bali was seen as "unhelpful" by Indonesia.Credit: Andrew Meares

Ms Gambaro said Ms Bishop had been "tireless" in mobolising global support among the diplomatic community to lobby Cairo on behalf of the three Al-Jazeera journalists.

"At a time when it appears that nuanced subtlety, respect and courtesy is disappearing from our world, Minister Bishop has shown diplomacy to be an art that transcends the blunt instrument of sabre rattling," she told Parliament.

Although Ms Gambaro did not mention Mr Abbott by name, it is believed she was referring to Mr Abbott's now infamous threat to "shirtfront" Russian President Vladimir Putin and his more recent comments linking tsunami aid to the clemency push for the Bali Nine pair on death row in Indonesia.

Ms Gambaro has long been an admirer of Ms Bishop, describing her as a "hero for women" and a "one-day" Prime Minister. Ms Bishop's work was also praised by another Queensland Liberal backbencher – Jane Prentice who moved the motion noting Mr Greste's release.

Ms Prentice told Parliament Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs, the Minister and Ambassador Ralph King leapt into "immediate action" and responded with "careful and adroit diplomacy". She also noted Labor's bipartisan approach to Mr Greste's case.

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and her department were at their best. It was a carefully planned and constructed response that produced the best result we could have hoped for," she said.

"Her handling of this event ensured Peter's release sooner rather than later. She is an outstanding Foreign Minister of whom all Australians can be proud."


But the strongest praise from MPs from right across the chamber was for the Greste family.

"With Peter, Lois, Juris, Mike and Andrew we have a remarkable family who came to Peter's aid and did not waver until he was home," Ms Prentice said.

"Australians watched with enormous admiration as a family fought for him. Lois and Juris you can be rightly proud - together you are a magnificent team, you made us proud to be Australian."

The Member for Hughes, Liberal MP Craig Kelly echoed the praise for the Grestes and said Peter's own "strength of character," "courage and determination" had shone through as he retained his "dignity" throughout his ordeal.

But he cautioned Australian journalists can also face court proceedings because of Section 18C in the Racial Discrimination Act which was used against the conservative commentator Andrew Bolt after he suggested fair skinned Aborigines used their race for professional advantage.

"While we stand here in this country and talk about the importance of freedom of speech and freedom of the media we have to admit that still remaining on our statutes today are laws that in this country can see a journalist dragged before the Australian courts for merely making a statement or a comment that simply offends or insults," Mr Kelly told Parliament.

"So we are in no great position to lecture other countries about freedom of speech and freedom of the media while we still have those laws."

Labor's Matt Thistlethwaite reminded the house that while Mr Greste's two Al Jazeera colleagues Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed have been released on bail, they are facing a retrial.

"We continue to campaign and urge the Egyptian government to release Peter Greste's two colleagues," Mr Thistlethwaite said.

"It is hard to be confident that a second trial will be any better than the first one," former human rights lawyer and Labor MP Melissa Parke added.

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