

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal MP Dean Smith's views on same-sex marriage turned at 30,000ft

By Matthew Knott

Dean Smith was 30,000 feet high when the ground shifted beneath him.

It was the day after the Sydney siege and Smith, a Western Australia Liberal senator, was flying from Perth to Albany. He had primary schools to visit and army veterans to meet – routine duties to fulfil on a day drenched in sorrow.

Opening his newspaper, he read about Tori Johnson, the Lindt cafe manager who died in the siege, leaving behind a male partner of 14 years.

Smith – the first openly gay federal parliamentarian in Liberal Party history – doesn't presume to know Johnson's politics or his views on gay marriage. But, as he reflected on the tragedy, his thoughts turned to a question he thought he had resolved years earlier.

"If they had wanted to get married, that opportunity was denied to them until the day of the siege and is now lost to them because Tori Johnson is no longer here. When that dawned on me I was overcome with a lot of sadness because that's something I could help correct," he says.

When Smith entered the Senate in 2012, gay marriage advocates hoped they had found a conservative champion for their cause. They were wrong.

"I reject the suggestion of marriage equality," he said during a 2012 debate on gay marriage. "The claim to equality ignores the widely accepted fact that marriage is an institution that has a long and well-accepted definition – a definition that is heavily laden with cultural meaning and values crafted by custom and by law over the years."

Smith is one of the proudest traditionalists in federal politics. A signed portrait of Queen Elizabeth hangs in his Parliament House office, reflecting his passion for the monarchy. He cherishes the Australian flag and he's a devout Protestant.

"I believe in God. I believe in the biblical story of the crucifixion and the resurrection. I pray."

Western Australia Liberal Senator Dean Smith is Australia's first openly gay Liberal Member of Parliament.

Western Australia Liberal Senator Dean Smith is Australia's first openly gay Liberal Member of Parliament. Credit: Philip Gostelow

He has always opposed gay marriage – or had until that December day.

"The fact Tori Johnson was a gay man in a long-term relationship made the event resonate more powerfully for me. These tragic circumstances happen and they make us reflect on our long-held positions and attitudes," he says.

The cover of the order of service booklet from Tori Johnson's funeral.

The cover of the order of service booklet from Tori Johnson's funeral. Credit: Wolter Peeters

When the time is right, Smith wants Liberal MPs to be allowed a conscience vote so that those whoback gay marriage can support it. Only a handful of Liberal MPs, including Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Queensland MPs Wyatt Roy and Teresa Gambaro and Assistant Education Minister Simon Birmingham, have publicly backed gay marriage.

"Reflecting on gay marriage has been the hardest issue for me so far," Smith says.

"I don't for one second doubt the sincerity of those people who are nervous and fearful. I don't doubt the genuinely held religious views of those people who are opposed. And I don't want to breach the faith of those people who have selected and elected me, but I'm not immune to changing circumstances, new facts, new evidence, powerful arguments.

"It's getting harder and harder to justify opposing same-sex marriage in Australia. Is this really the business of government in today's day and age? I'd argue no."


When Smith realised he was gay, a friend gave him two powerful pieces of advice. Don't let your family be the last to know. And the more open you are about your sexuality, the harder it will be for anyone to use it as a weapon against you.

At 24, Smith – then a Liberal Party staffer – came out to his parents, Alan and Judy, after a family dinner at their Perth home. At first, he says, they were "filled with fear".

"They had to think about what this meant for them: their eldest son wouldn't get married or have children. There were tears.

"But they're OK and I'm OK. My coming out experience was very lucky because I witnessed unconditional love."

Smith grew up in Mirabooka, a working-class Perth suburb. His parents lived in state housing; he went to the local public school; he was the first in his family to go to university.

He knows he sounds like a Labor MP from central casting.

"My parents weren't members of the local tennis club, I didn't drive a BMW," he says.

"The sense of standing up for the underdog is very powerful for me. People find that peculiar because I'm a member of the Liberal Party."

His political consciousness was formed in the "WA Inc" era of Labor premier Brian Burke. "I realised Labor was the party of big business, big unions, big government. It was not looking after working-class, conservatively minded people at all."

On his first day at university he joined the Liberal Party. Shy and softly spoken, it took him three months to build up enough courage to attend his first party meeting.

As soon as he went, he loved it. He became the WA president of the Young Liberals, ran state election campaigns, worked as an adviser to John Howard andbecame chief of staff to Bronwyn Bishop.

He's never hidden that he is gay, nor has he emphasised it.

Liberal Party figures say that, because of his sexuality, Smith has been viewed with suspicion by some conservative colleagues who would otherwise be his natural allies.

"I've had to be hyper-sensitive to the chatter behind my back," he acknowledges. But he says the bulk of the party has judged him on his work ethic, his abilities and his convictions.

Smith, 44, believes senators owe their loyalty to their state before the federal party – a stance that has deeply annoyed some powerful figures, cruelling his chances of an early promotion.

Months after entering Parliament, Smith led a charge by WA Liberals for wheat industry deregulation, despite pleas from senior frontbenchers Julie Bishop and Mathias Cormann to back a delay. More recently, he has argued for broadening the base of the GST and defied the Prime Minister's wishes by co-sponsoring a private member's bill to water down the Racial Discrimination Act.

Dismayed that the Labor Party had offered its members a free vote, he has fought hard to overturn the party's binding opposition to gay marriage, even though the cause did not resonate with him.

"In Australia, the campaign has been run by people on the far left of politics – I was suspicious of that," he says. "Sometimes the campaign has not been prosecuted with enough grace. Not everyone opposed to gay marriage is homophobic; that's simply not true."

His growing openness to the idea has been influenced by the arguments of Michael Kirby (the former High Court judge and leading monarchist) and David Leyonhjelm (the pro-gay marriage libertarian senator).

He's realised that gay marriage complements his traditional values as much as it clashes with them.

"The same-sex marriage opponents, as part of their standard emails, talk about the damaging effect that gay marriage will have on children and parenting. Now I might not aspire to gay marriage, but no one is going to tell me that I would be a bad parent because I am a gay man."

Smith insists that fixing the budget deficit, rather than legislating for gay marriage, should be the government's top priority. "Rushing to a vote before there is a wider consensus in Parliament is in no-one's interests." But he hopes his reflections encourage others to reconsider their own position and to reject stereotypes of what it means to be both gay and conservative.

"When I came out I had a choice. I could have abandoned my politics; I could have abandoned my religious faith. But they are features of who I am.

"We should all abhor stereotypes. They diminish people. I want every young Australian, gay or straight, to be the tennis star, the swimmer, the Liberal Party politician – whatever they want to be in their life."

One day, he says, they will all have the right to be a husband or wife too.

"It will happen," he says.

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