By Heath Aston
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Labor will attempt to stifle any Malcolm Turnbull-related poll boost in Canning with a last minute advertising blitz tying the new Liberal leader to deposed Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
With less than 24 hours until the media blackout ahead of Saturday's byelection in Western Australia, the ALP will blanket television on Tuesday night with an ad that focuses on Mr Turnbull's support for the Coalition's most controversial policies, including the GP co-payment and university reforms.
The ad begins with a recording of Mr Turnbull saying: "I support unreservedly and wholeheartedly every element in the budget."
A Labor source said the rest of the party's byelection campaign would focus on painting Mr Turnbull as an "out of touch" Canberra insider while pushing the local credentials of its candidate Matt Keogh.
Liberal candidate Andrew Hastie has also repeatedly distanced himself from the "political class" of Canberra.
"This byelection is not about political games, it's about the people of Canning and they're losing faith in the political class," Mr Hastie said before the leadership spill late on Monday.
"I don't stand before you as a former political hack looking for a cushy seat in parliament … I will serve the people of Canning."
Before the vote, Mr Turnbull insisted Mr Hastie's chances would improve after a leadership change despite the process being "far from ideal" five days before the byelection.
But an ALP source said Mr Turnbull's ascension was not necessarily a bonus in Canning. "I don't think Turnbull will go down as well in Canning as he will in other more metropolitan electorates. This area is a fringe or satellite part of Perth and Turnbull will be viewed as not being part of this world."
In the only poll Canning-specific poll that compared the leadership qualities of Mr Turnbull and Mr Abbott, the new Prime Minister was more popular.
The ReachTEL poll of 782 people, sponsored by Australian Marriage Equality, conducted in the last week of August found 38.2 per cent of Canning voters believed Mr Turnbull would make the better prime minister, compared with 25.8 per cent for Mr Abbott.
This week's Fairfax-Ipsos poll forecast a 10 per cent swing against the Liberal Party, but found Mr Hastie was likely to claim the seat.
West Australian Premier Colin Barnett says Malcolm Turnbull's rolling of Tony Abbott is "not a good look for Australia".
Mr Barnett told media that although he had a good relationship with Mr Turnbull, he believed the new Prime Minister could have done things differently.
"To topple an elected and serving prime minister in his first term of office is just not something to be proud of," Mr Barnett said.
"I believe Malcolm will be a good prime minister.
"I guess I found the events of the last 24 hours a bit much."