

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal challenge: Jeff Kennett calls Malcolm Turnbull 'selfish' and 'egomaniac'

By Jane Lee

Former Victorian Liberal Premier Jeff Kennett has lambasted Malcolm Turnbull over his decision to challenge Prime Minister's Tony Abbott's leadership, saying he had selfishly put himself before the public interest.

Mr Kennett took to Twitter to vent his spleen at Mr Turnbull's "profoundly disappointing" announcement on Monday afternoon to call for a leadership ballot, despite the Liberal Party's "clear majority" in Parliament.

"[Mr Turnbull is] now putting self before public interest. Speculation a sign of weakness not strength."

The chairman of mental health advocate Beyond Blue compared Mr Turnbull to former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who was himself booted from the Prime Ministership by his deputy Julia Gillard, only to challenge her again and lose the 2013 election.

Malcolm Turnbull on Monday.

Malcolm Turnbull on Monday.Credit: Andrew Meares

"Malcolm Turnbull, You self-centered, selfish individual. It has always been about you...If you win the spill you lose."


Mr Kennett told Fairfax Media that despite his own opinion polls in Victoria dropping to 19 per cent in 1994: "We did not buckle, we did not cave in. We were elected at the next [election] with an increased majority."

If Mr Turnbull won the leadership, Mr Kennett vowed never to vote for him because he was not a "team player", and said he would personally campaign against him.

"It'll be a party led by one if he is successful."

Former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett.

Former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett.

Mr Kennett rejected Mr Turnbull's argument that Australia lacked "economic leadership", pointing to free trade agreements with Japan and Korea and another planned with China as evidence of "the most significant economic advancements for our economic prosperity. Malcolm Turnbull is an egomaniac".

While from "time to time" there may be justification for a leadership challenge, there was not one now, with the country in "reasonably good shape". Compared with other national governments such as New Zealand, the UK and Germany "we are a joke".

He did not know what Mr Turnbull's prospects were, but said that regardless of the outcome Mr Abbott, who had stayed loyal to his values and many people under great pressure, would "come out of this standing tall."

"This isn't politics, this is personal ambition."

Since Mr Turnbull last lost the Liberal leadership, "He has done nothing but speak outside of his portfolio against his leader building up his own public stocks."

Former long-serving Liberal leaders like Robert Menzies would be "rolling in their graves" over the challenge which was the "height of irresponsibility."


Both the federal Liberal and Labor parties were "continuing a decade of failed leadership." "A pox on both your houses until you demonstrate you have [Australian] rather than your own interest at heart," Mr Kennett tweeted.

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