By Matthew Knott
Leaked pamphlets, to feature in an upcoming campaign against same-sex marriage, suggest children of gay and lesbian parents are more prone to "abuse and neglect" and more likely to be unemployed, abuse drugs and suffer depression.
The pamphlets, which have been authorised by a former parliamentary secretary to John Howard, indicate the potential lines of attack for the "no" campaign at a national plebiscite on same-sex marriage.
Labor and marriage equality campaigners have argued against a plebiscite, saying it will unleash divisive attacks on the gay and lesbian community. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he has faith Australians will participate in a plebiscite in a civil and sensible manner.
The government is finalising the mechanism for the plebiscite to be held after the next election.
Former Howard government MP Chris Miles authorised the pamphlets.
The pamphlets, obtained by Fairfax Media, have been prepared and funded by Chris Miles, a former Liberal MP and member of the Foreign Investment Review Board.
Mr Miles served as the Member for the Tasmanian electorate of Braddon from 1984 until 1998. He co-founded the Lyons Forum, a now disbanded group of conservative Christian MPs including Kevin Andrews and Eric Abetz.
The pamphlets, which have not yet been distributed, seek to sow doubts about the social impact of legalising same-sex marriage, which they describe as "same-sex mirage".
The pamphlet reads: "Married biological parents have a better record for providing safety and development of healthy, well-adjusted adult children.
"They minimise abuse and neglect of children."
Mr Miles cites a report to congress by the US Department of Health and Human Services as the source for this claim.
"What is the valid empirical data of 'same sex' couples conceiving and caring for children to adulthood?" the pamphlet asks. "If you don't know THE ANSWER to the above question DON'T VOTE for same-sex marriage."
A list of potential "social outcomes" for the children of same-sex couples includes: "Sexual victimisation", "sexual transmitted disease", "drug use/abuse", "depression" and "suicidal thoughts". No source is provided to verify these claims.
Everyone hurts on a whole range of views
Asked if people may find the claims in the pamphlet hurtful, Mr Miles said: "Lots of things are hurtful to people in Australia. Everyone hurts on a whole range of views."
Mr Miles told Fairfax Media he could potentially print "millions" of copies of the pamphlet.
"If we are going to have a plebiscite, people need to be informed," he said.
"That's the nature of democracy.
"These will be distributed throughout Australia at the grass roots."
The pamphlets say legalising same-sex marriage will likely lead to sex education outlining "boy-to-boy" and "girl-to-girl" sex.
Mr Miles described the material as "thoughtful and constructive".
Australian Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome said: "This is just the start of the anti-gay misinformation campaign millions of Australians will have to endure if the government spends $160 million on a marriage equality plebiscite."
"Not only is the information on this flyer wrong, it will put the lives of young gay people and the children of same-sex couples at risk by reinforcing the message that they and their families are broken."
"In contrast to the negative tone of this material, we will continue to run a positive campaign about the importance of marriage equality and the equal dignity of all loving relationships and families."
Dr Liz Short, who led a review same-sex parenting research for the Australian Psychological Society, said the pamphlet was "factually incorrect and deeply damaging".
The children of same-sex couples are likely to be at least as well adjusted, socially, emotionally, and academically, as other children, she said.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the pamphlet demonstrated the "unhinged and unfounded abuse" a plebiscite campaign could encourage, and called for a free vote in Parliament to resolve the issue.
"How do we measure the harm inflicted by a long and poisonous debate, where all the offensive prejudice of the past week will be amplified and magnified?" he asked.
The release of the pamphlet follows a week of debate about the government-funded Safe Schools anti-bullying program, which aims to increase acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) children. The government has ordered a review into whether it is achieving its aims.
Following attacks on the program - including by Coalition MP George Christensen, who compared it to paedophile "grooming" - Mr Turnbull said: "I encourage everybody who is discussing these issues to do so in very measured language, and to consider very carefully the impact of the words they use on young people and on their families.
"The strength of our society is based on mutual respect and that is something that must be extended to all of us – children, and indeed, all Australians."