

This was published 10 years ago

Labor calls on Arthur Sinodinos to stand aside as ICAC inquiries continue

By Jonathan Swan

John Howard has defended his former chief of staff Arthur Sinodinos as Labor has escalated its calls for the Assistant Treasurer to stand aside until he attends a corruption inquiry.

The former prime minister, who employed Senator Sinodinos as his closest adviser for more than a decade said: “Arthur Sinodinos is a man of great integrity and ability."

"I continue to hold him in the highest regard," Mr Howard said.

"As he has indicated that he will answer questions at the ICAC inquiry it is not appropriate that I comment on the substance of the matter.”

Former PM John Howard, pictured with Arthur Sinodinos in 2006, has released a statement in support for his former chief-of-staff.

Former PM John Howard, pictured with Arthur Sinodinos in 2006, has released a statement in support for his former chief-of-staff.Credit: Andrew Taylor

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says Senator Sinodinos should stand aside if he cannot immediately give a "full and proper explanation" of his dealings with an Obeid-linked company.

In what was a significant escalation of Labor's rhetoric, Mr Bowen called on Senator Sinodinos to appear before the Senate to explain himself on Wednesday.

"If he can't do that then he should stand aside," Mr Bowen told Sky News on Wednesday. "And if he won't stand aside the Prime Minister should show some leadership and stand him aside this morning."


Labor Senate Leader Penny Wong moved a motion on Wednesday morning to try compel Senator Sinodinos to give a statement to the upper house explaining his association with Australian Water Holdings – a company being investigated by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Senator Penny Wong Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator Penny Wong Leader of the Opposition in the SenateCredit: Andrew Meares

Earlier Senator Wong sent a letter to the leader of the government in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz, saying the opposition would grant leave for Senator Sinodinos to make a statement.

But Senator Sinodinos did not appear in the Senate when it resumed at 9.30am. His Liberal colleagues defended him in his absence.

Assistant Treasurer senator Arthur Sinodinos during Senate question time on Tuesday.

Assistant Treasurer senator Arthur Sinodinos during Senate question time on Tuesday.Credit: Andrew Meares

Senator Wong said Labor believed that Sinodinos had given ''inconsistent statements'' about his actions at AWH.

''All of us in this place have an obligation to be truthful and frank in the chamber,'' she said.

Senator George Brandis speaks in defence of Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos.

Senator George Brandis speaks in defence of Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos.Credit: Andrew Meares

Senator Abetz responded to Senator Wong's remarks, describing her as ''the great defender of Craig Thomson''.

Shortly after midday, with support from Labor and the Greens, the Senate voted to ask Senator Sinodinos to come into the chamber and make a statement about his dealings with AWH.

Labor had set a deadline of midday during the proceding debate, and government senators quickly protested that the Assistant Treasurer had not been given the opportunity to comply.

Attorney-General George Brandis defended the Senator Sinodinos as ''one of the greatest Australians'' to have participated in public life in the last two decades.

''Let us not forget the statue and the quality of the Australian against whom this disgraceful smear is being made,'' Senator Brandis said.

Earlier Mr Bowen said it was a long-standing Westminster convention that when a minister has serious allegations against them they step aside. He stressed Labor was not calling for his full resignation, but for Senator Sinodinos to temporarily step aside while the allegations were dealt with.

As recently as Tuesday, senior Labor figures including transport spokesman Anthony Albanese, were saying that Senator Sinodinos was entitled to be considered innocent until proven otherwise.

Senator Sinodinos has been under immense political pressure since Monday's session of the Independent Commission Against Corruption hearings in NSW that heard he stood to earn as much as $20 million in personal profits working for a company linked to crooked former state Labor minister Eddie Obeid.

But as Labor called for Senator Sinodinos to step aside on Wednesday morning, senior Liberal MP Josh Frydenberg suggested that he and his colleagues were willing to withstand considerable political damage to defend the Assistant Treasurer.

''If I was in the trenches, the one person you would want next to you would be Arthur Sinodinos,'' Mr Frydenberg said.

''And now we're going to be in the trenches with him.''

Asked how Senator Sinodinos was coping with the pressure, Mr Frydenberg said: ''As you know Arthur Sinodinos has been around politics for a very long time, including as a distinguished chief of staff to the prime minister.

''[Sinodinos] has dealt with some difficult times and he always gets through.

''So I have no doubt that he's coping very well in these circumstances.''

While the Prime Minister is reluctant to sack Senator Sinodinos, the pressure has increased dramatically after another day of damaging front page headlines.

Fresh reports emerged on Wednesday about Senator Sinodinos being involved in negotiations to sell a $15 million stake in AWH to investors involved in a secret deal with the Obeid family.

Documents tabled at Tuesday's ICAC hearing indicated that Senator Sinodinos, then the chairman of AWH, attended a meeting in February 2011 to discuss the sale of a stake in the company. The diary entry indicates Eddie Obeid junior was present at the meeting.


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