

This was published 8 years ago

Greens deal with Scott Morrison on tax shield sparks Labor fury

By Heath Aston

Up to 300 of Australia's wealthiest private companies will be forced to disclose their annual tax bill for the first time after the Greens cut a compromise deal with Treasurer Scott Morrison on contested tax transparency legislation.

But the deal, which has been branded a "sell out" by the Labor Party, will shield up to 600 more companies that would have been brought under new transparency requirements.

Until the Greens shook hands with Mr Morrison, the crossbench and Labor had the numbers to insist the government's multinational tax avoidance bill could only pass with an amendment to force all companies with revenues of $100 million or more publishing their tax contribution.

That measure will now be doubled to $200 million – effectively shielding two-thirds of the companies that would have been brought into the light for the first time.

Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 22 October 2015. Photo: Andrew Meares

Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 22 October 2015. Photo: Andrew MearesCredit: Andrew Meares

The Australian Tax Office revealed in September that one in five companies with $100 million revenues paid no tax last year.

Under the agreed deal, multinational corporations with global revenue of $1 billion or more will also be forced to prepare "general purpose" financial statements to lodge with the corporate regulator the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, instead of less detailed "special purpose" statements.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale said the deal defused a standoff and ensured passage of the government's Combating Multinational Tax Avoidance Bill, to take effect on January 1.


"If we hadn't got this bill passed today, multinational companies would have enjoyed another full year of not having to disclose their tax on a country-by-country basis," said Senator Di Natale.

Treasurer Scott Morrison

Treasurer Scott MorrisonCredit: Andrew Meares

"We had a choice to either criticise from the sidelines and let multinational tax avoiders off the hook, or pass laws that force much greater tax transparency. The Greens chose action."

But the Labor Party is furious at the Greens, believing Mr Morrison would have been forced to accept the exemption limit at $100 million by the end of the final sitting of the Senate this week.

Senator Penny Wong

Senator Penny WongCredit: Andrew Meares

Labor's leader in the Senate, Penny Wong accused the Greens of being part of a "dirty deal".

"In the dead of night the Australian Greens sat down with the Treasurer and cut a deal to sell out the crossbench and the Labor Party, cut a deal to sell out Australian taxpayers, cut a deal to lessen the transparency that this Senate was insisting on," she said.

"All so they could show that they are players. They are the tax transparency traitors."

Labor senator Sam Dastyari said Senator Di Natale had "sold out a two year community campaign" for tax transparency.

The government succeeded in shielding all private companies from having to disclose their tax records by passing a bill in October.

But in a stunning change of heart, crossbenchers Nick Xenophon and Ricky Muir reversed their previous position in support of the blanket exemption.

They changed their vote as a result of a Fairfax Media investigation that revealed one of the key stakeholder organisations used to justify exempting the largest private companies was actually a front group without any members.

The Family Office Institute Australia, which was quoted at length in a Senate committee report, was established in August by two lawyers and a Canberra lobbyist who represent Australia's ultra-rich in disputes with the Australian Tax Office.


Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson claimed the Senate had been "conned" by the Family Office Institute.

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