

This was published 9 years ago

Gonski architect Ken Boston slams proposal for Commonwealth to abandon public schools

By Matthew Knott

An architect of the Gonski school reforms has slammed a proposal, contained in a leaked government discussion paper, for the federal government to abdicate funding for public schools as "completely foreign" to the equity principles underpinning the Gonski funding model.

Fairfax Media revealed on Monday that a green paper on federation reform, developed within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, includes radical reform options including ending Commonwealth funding for all schools or for public schools.

The paper also opened the door for high-income parents to be charged to send their children to public schools - an idea rejected by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Education Minister Christopher Pyne.

"Let me say this, the Australian government does not and will not support a means-test for public education, full stop, end of story," Mr Abbott said during question time on Monday. "If the states and territories want to change wealthy parents fees for public schools, that is a matter for them.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne during question time on Monday.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne during question time on Monday. Credit: Andrew Meares

"States and territories run public schools ... what we do and will continue to do is fund public schools."

Mr Pyne said he did not support means-testing for public school access. But he said the current federal-state funding arrangements for schools were "messy" and called for a "proper debate" on the future of the federation.

Mr Pyne last year told a Christian schools conference his government has an "emotional commitment" to independent schools.


Ken Boston, a member of the Gonski Review panel and a former head of the NSW education department, said he strongly opposed the proposal for state governments to fund public schools while the federal government assumes sole responsibility for independent schools.

"This would be the antithesis of Gonski," Dr Boston said, referring to the review's model of a needs-based funding model which applies equally across all school sectors.

"The idea should be ruled out completely - it is completely foreign to the Gonski formula."

Dr Boston said he saw merit in exploring the green paper's first proposal: making the states and territories fully responsible for schools. This would increase clarity and could be implemented in accordance with Gonski principles, he said.

The paper's fourth option - handing over full funding responsibility to the Commonwealth - would pose "major constitutional difficulties and go against 200 years of Australian history", he said. Dr Boston said universal access to free public schooling must be maintained.

Option four makes explicit the prospect of public school fees for high-income families by saying: "The states and territories would have the option to 'top-up' funding to government schools, if they wished to do so, to ensure all public school students, regardless of the ability of families to make a contribution, were able to attend for free."

Labor made the issue the focus of its question time strategy on Monday, with acting education spokesman Mark Butler accusing the government of "considering incomprehensible damage to Australia's education system".

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said the idea of making wealthy parents pay for public schools was "appalling".

"Free public education is just that - we are not having a situation where a person's parent's income determines the start they get in life," he said.

But the idea attracted support from Liberal MP Andrew Laming, who said: "Should high-income earners be paying to attend a state education facility? My view is firmly yes.

"Ultimately the product has a value and that value should be reflected by those who have the ability to pay."

A former adviser to Mr Abbott, Terry Barnes, said means-testing for public education was a good idea that should not be ruled out by "reform shy" politicians. Mr Barnes was the architect of the dumped $7 fee for GP visits.


With Henrietta Cook, Latika Bourke

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