

This was published 9 years ago

George Brandis slaps down Scott Morrison over proposal to hold same-sex marriage referendum

By Matthew Knott and Sarah Whyte

The Abbott government's divide over same-sex marriage deepened on Thursday, as Attorney-General George Brandis slapped down a proposal by cabinet colleague Scott Morrison to decide the issue at a referendum.

In a strident attack on a position favoured by several of his senior colleagues, Senator Brandis said a referendum would be "entirely unnecessary" and that there was "no doubt whatsoever" that a plebiscite was the appropriate way to test public opinion on legalising same-sex marriage.

Mr Morrison said on Wednesday that same-sex marriage was "the type of issue that could be canvassed under section 51 of the constitution".

"Simply at the moment, in clause 21, it just says 'marriage'," Mr Morrison told the ABC's 7.30.

Attorney-General George Brandis said the mandatory metadata retention regime ''applies only to the most serious crime''.

Attorney-General George Brandis said the mandatory metadata retention regime ''applies only to the most serious crime''. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"You could equally put in there 'opposite and same-sex marriage' and clarify very clearly what the meaning of the constitution is on this question, and to reflect [what] some would argue has been a societal change since the constitution was first written."

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has left open the possibility of backing either a plebiscite or a referendum on the issue.

But Senator Brandis, the country's chief law officer, said on Thursday: "A plebiscite is plainly the appropriate method were we to resolve this matter by a public vote.


"You only have a referendum to amend the constitution and there is no doubt whatsoever that no amendment to the constitution is necessary were the Parliament to proceed down this path.

Frontbencher Scott Morrison said he rejected Tony Abbott's offer of the Treasurer's role because it would "throw Joe Hockey under a bus".

Frontbencher Scott Morrison said he rejected Tony Abbott's offer of the Treasurer's role because it would "throw Joe Hockey under a bus". Credit: Andrew Meares

"The way you test public opinion on vexed social issues or important social issues is by plebiscite."

Senator Brandis, a former member of the Queensland Bar, said the High Court had resolved the issue in a December 2013 case that he had launched against the ACT government.

Quoting the High Court verdict on the case, Senator Brandis told Sky News: "That is an unambiguous, a unanimous and a recent statement by the High Court that the marriage power as currently written is ample to provide the Parliament with the power to legislate for same-sex marriage should it choose to do so.

"No constitutional referendum is necessary in this case."

The way you test public opinion on vexed social issues or important social issues is by plebiscite.

Attorney-General George Brandis

A referendum would carry a binding result and may make success more difficult given a majority of voters in a majority of states would have to support same-sex marriage.

During the Coalition party room meeting on Tuesday, Senator Brandis, who is regarded as a Liberal moderate, supported a conscience vote on same-sex marriage.

Earlier on Thursday, shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus said: "Scott Morrison is talking nonsense.

"The High Court made it crystal clear that marriage is a matter for the Commonwealth Parliament to legislate on," he said.

A referendum would cost around $120 million to hold, he said.

The Greens party, which has historically supported same-sex marriage, threw its weight behind a plebiscite on marriage equality.

In an announcement at Parliament House on Thursday, Greens leader Richard Di Natale said the consortium of senators had drafted the wording of the question to be asked of Australian voters at the next election.

"We are saying to the Parliament that if this is to be dealt with through the Parliament, then we must own the question collectively as a Parliament, and we must ensure...that it is dealt with at the coming election, and not dragged out to the never-never," Senator Di Natale said.

Both the Greens and crossbenchers, including David Leyonhjelm, Jacqui Lambie, Ricky Muir, Glenn Lazarus and Nick Xenophon said it was disappointing that the Abbott government had squandered the opportunity for same-sex marriage.

Senator Leyonhjelm said: "This is a really important issue that a lot of Australians want to see resolved one way or the other, and I think through a plebiscite would be way to do it."

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