

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: The six eclectic MPs Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten will need to sweet-talk

By David Wroe and Tom McIlroy

Both major parties face a steep uphill battle to muster workable support from enough crossbenchers to form a minority government if, as seems possible, the election produces a hung parliament.

Two of the likely five independents, Andrew Wilkie and Cathy McGowan, have already ruled out doing a deal with either side. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten were calling independents on Sunday morning in a sign neither felt his party could form a majority on its own.

The Greens' Adam Bandt reaffirmed to Fairfax Media that he would deal with Labor but not with the Coalition. Mr Shorten on Sunday ruled out forming "any coalition agreements" with the Greens but added he was committed to making the Parliament work as elected.

Bob Katter, the maverick Queenslander, said he was prepared to talk to both sides. But he cited as his most pressing priority trade protectionism in a stance so distant from both major parties' positions it is difficult to see how they could be reconciled.

Nick Xenophon Team MP Rebekha Sharkie.

Nick Xenophon Team MP Rebekha Sharkie.Credit: David Mariuz

Mr Wilkie, Ms McGowan and Mr Katter all ruled out becoming Speaker in the new Parliament, with Mr Katter saying it would "spit" on any such offer. Installing an independent as Speaker would free up an additional MP for whichever side was angling to snare a working majority.

The best chance for either major party appears to be Nick Xenophon, whose party's Rebekha Sharkie has won the lower house seat of Mayo and could yet take the seat of Grey from the Liberals. He told Fairfax Media he would sit down in a "pragmatic and level-headed approach" with both sides.

However he insisted it was "far too early" to say what shape minority government talks might take.


A recount of results is continuing in Grey on Monday, where the Nick Xenophon Team's Andrea Broadfoot is challenging Liberal incumbent Rowan Ramsey. The Australian Electoral Commission and Fairfax Media election analysts predict the seat will fall.

Katter Australia's Party MP Bob Katter.

Katter Australia's Party MP Bob Katter.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Separately Senator Xenophon indicated to the ABC he would respect the party that won the higher number of seats – a position likely to favour the Coalition.

"It would be a big factor you take into account," he said.

Independent MP Cathy McGowan.

Independent MP Cathy McGowan.Credit: Mark Jesser

He added he still expected Mr Turnbull to win a majority in his own right.

The pragmatic Senator Xenophon has also, however, campaigned strongly against free trade deals.

The Nick Xenophon Team's Andrea Broadfoot is likely to be elected to the crossbench.

The Nick Xenophon Team's Andrea Broadfoot is likely to be elected to the crossbench.Credit: Facebook

He said on Sunday: "I'm not against free trade. I'm just against lousy deals. My priority is to save as many jobs in manufacturing and the farming sector as possible, value-adding, tackling dumping laws and being hard-headed about trade agreements."

His position is starkly different to that of Mr Turnbull, who during the campaign talked up free trade deals as central to reshaping Australia's economy for the 21st century.

Greens MP Adam Bandt.

Greens MP Adam Bandt.Credit: Arsineh Houspian.

Ms McGowan tweeted on Sunday: "I will not be making any deals with any party. The Prime Minister is confident he will form majority government."

Mr Wilkie said he would keep an open mind on every vote that came to the Parliament and would not strike a deal even if the only alternative was going to another election.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has sent information to prosecutors at the International Criminal Court.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has sent information to prosecutors at the International Criminal Court. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"If there was to be a debate about confidence or no-confidence, I will be focused entirely on the merits of that debate."

He described both Mr Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as "pretty decent characters".

But for either side to persuade Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove that they can form a government with the ability to pass legislation, they will need to have at least some agreement with enough crossbenchers to ensure the confidence of the Parliament and the ability to pass supply bills, which fund the government's work.

Mr Bandt said his priority would be "stable and effective government".

He said the nation had "roundly rejected" the Coalition platform and urged other crossbenchers not to "breathe life into that dead agenda".

Mr Katter referred back to his 20 "key points" during the 2010 hung parliament negotiations, which include a range of trade, economic, infrastructure and agricultural measures.

He called for "economic protection" and attacked the "free market" obsession including trade deals that he said had been a "disastrous failure" for manufacturers and farmers.

He said he'd rather deal with Anthony Albanese than Bill Shorten, praised Peta Credlin and said he had "respect" for Mr Turnbull. He also wanted to talk to fellow crossbenchers, saying they had some views in common.


Adam Bandt, Greens, Melbourne

  • First elected 2010
  • Former lawyer. Views are left-wing, pro-environment. Has ruled out doing a deal with the Coalition but willing to negotiate with Labor.

Cathy McGowan, independent, Indi

  • First elected 2013
  • Former farming lobbyist. Takes pro-regional and agriculture positions, strongly supports marriage equality and has opposed the Coalition on issues such as university deregulation, asylum-seekers and scrapping the carbon tax. Has ruled out any deal.

Bob Katter, Katter's Australian Party, Kennedy

  • First elected 1993
  • Long-serving former Nationals state and federal MP. Strongly protectionist on trade, socially conservative, opposes privatisation and restrictive on immigration. Has said he's willing to talk to all sides, though he previously supported the Coalition during the hung parliament of 2010.

Andrew Wilkie, independent, Denison

  • First elected 2010
  • Former Army officer and intelligence analyst. Generally holds left-leaning views, was part of alliance between Labor, Greens and independents under Julia Gillard. Has ruled out any deal.

Rebekha Sharkie, Nick Xenophon Team, Mayo

  • First elected 2016
  • Former lawyer and Liberal staffer who worked briefly for Jamie Briggs who she unseated to become the NXT's first lower house MP. The party wants to save local manufacturing jobs and is sceptical about free trade deals and against predatory gambling.

Andrea Broadfoot, Nick Xenophon Team candidate, Grey

  • Results in the seat are not yet final, with a recount under way
  • Port Lincoln council member who is running ahead of Liberal Rowan Ramsey in a recount. Her local campaign focused on employment and manufacturing, including at steelworks Arrium in Whyalla.

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