

This was published 7 years ago

Doctors attack immigration department over Nauru and Manus Island medical cases

By Michael Koziol and Political reporter

The Australian Medical Association has detailed shocking cases of apparent medical neglect, wasting and severe ill-health among asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru, and accused immigration bureaucrats of failing to adequately follow up cases.

In a submission to a Senate inquiry, the peak medical body revealed it is regularly contacted by asylum seekers seeking intervention in their healthcare, but is frustrated by a lack of co-operation from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

A photo from the newly-cleared "refugee processing centre 3" in Nauru, where family groups are being accommodated.

A photo from the newly-cleared "refugee processing centre 3" in Nauru, where family groups are being accommodated.Credit: J Jeremiah

In one case, the AMA was told a female asylum seeker on Nauru suffering severe depression had wasted to just 30 kilograms and was experiencing possible kidney failure. But the patient's fate was unknown because health contractor IHMS refused to disclose the medical records, it said.

The association also received photographs of a female asylum seeker self-harming after reported physical and sexual assault on Nauru and contacted the department "on several occasions" expressing concern for her mental health.

It was "not satisfied" with the department's response, which stated that while the asylum seeker "continues to hear voices, these are much less than previously and the voices did not contain any derogatory or command hallucinations".

In another case, the AMA was told of a very ill man who could not be effectively treated at a Port Moresby hospital and was returned to Manus Island for a teleconference with a doctor in Darwin, who was read selections of his records.

According to an email obtained by the AMA: "The Darwin endocrinologist was signing off when the patient said 'don't you want to hear my symptoms?' She expressed that she had forgotten and supposed she should hear his symptoms."

AMA president Michael Gannon told Fairfax Media that while Border Force chief medical officer John Brayley was a "highly respected practitioner", there had been "tremendous secrecy" around patient information, including the recently-abolished sanctions for health workers who spoke out about conditions offshore.

"There's no question there's been an inappropriate degree of secrecy in the department's attitude to these patients," Dr Gannon said. "Equally there's been hyperbole from refugee advocates. It's actually very hard to get accurate clinical information."


The doctors' submission acknowledged that medical accounts presented to the AMA could not be independently verified, but accused the immigration department of failing to respond to AMA inquiries in a timely and comprehensive manner.

"While the department does provide brief responses on some asylum seekers, the AMA is not always able to ascertain whether quality and appropriate health services, management and treatment is being provided, as there is no independent, transparent body of clinical experts that can verify or report on this," AMA public health manager Simon Tatz wrote.

"The AMA is also concerned that there is insufficient follow-up and reporting on medical cases it raises with the department.

"The AMA does not believe those detained on Manus and Nauru, either within detention facilities or within the community, are able to access a health care service of the same standard that a person in the Australian mainland would receive."

The Senate inquiry is examining allegations of abuse and self-harm at the Nauru and Manus Island regional processing centres. An immigration department spokesman said the department was preparing its own submission, which would outline "the significant support the Australian government provides to the governments of Nauru and Papua New Guinea in relation to health and welfare services available to transferees and refugees".

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