By Tony Wright
Well before the blade descended upon the formerly powerful, there was not a seat to be had in the High Court of Australia.
The 120 available spots on the main tiers of Court One, its ceiling soaring almost to the height of an everyday three-storey building, were crammed half an hour before judgment was to be declared.
Soon all the rows of seats in the mezzanine - you'd call it a dress circle in a theatre, which seemed appropriate - were occupied, too.
And even a whole courtroom a floor above, opened for the spill-over and nothing but a video screen for the gathered to watch, was so packed there was nothing for late-comers but standing room at the back while others sat on the carpet.
Here, surely, was the modern version of a public execution, the mob hungry for the final act.
Students of politics, the stern-faced in search of a vicarious place in a slice of national history, gawkers after entertainment, journalists bent on recording the unprecedented...they jammed together.
Amid the throng in the main public gallery, beneath an arrangement of famous hair, sat the former speaker of the House of Representatives, Bronwyn Bishop, who knows something about sudden, unfortunate endings to political careers.
Conspicuously absent from this public drama, however, were those whose public lives were on the line.
Barnaby Joyce, senators Matt Canavan, Malcolm Roberts, Nick Xenophon and Fiona Nash, and former senators Scott Ludlum and Larissa Waters - all of them had stayed away from the spectacle.
Spectacle is not too lush a word for a sitting of the High Court, even one like this that would take a mere few minutes.
The building itself is designed to strike awe into the hearts of all who venture there. The concrete slab-walled edicifice is of the brutalist architectural tradition, but the vast areas of emptiness within, vestibules and halls and broad stairways beneath nothing but acres of air lit by great walls of glass, deny the cramped efficiency of mere commerce and the everyday. If you seek analogy for the majesty of the law, this place is it.
Indeed, the moment three judge's tipstaffs - young understudies said to be frighteningly bright - stood and drew back the three thrones of the judges in Court One, the chattering galleries fell silent. The silence stretched, nothing moved, no judge appeared, the tipstaffs seemed to be statues. Justice, we were meant to understand, will not be rushed.
Suddenly a clerk loudly demanded that the gathering stand, declared the Court of Disputed Returns to be in session - "God save the Queen", he hollered - and the fate of seven federal politicians was only seconds away from decision.
As if in a rush after the build-up, Chief Justice Susan Kiefel, flanked by two colleagues, read the court's decisions, reached, she declared, unanimously.
Vacancies existed in Senate seats previously occupied by senators Roberts, Nash, Ludlum and Waters, Justice Kiefel intoned. In the House of Representatives, a vacancy was found to exist in the seat of New England occupied by Barnaby Joyce. There were no vacancies found to exist in the cases of senators Canavan and Xenophon.
There would be special counts of the ballot papers to find new occupants of the sudden vacancies in the Senate, and a byelection would be required in the seat of New England.
No orders were required on costs.
The reasons for these momentous judgments would be published elsewhere.
Within 15 minutes, the three justices swept out of their court, and the crowds in the public galleries, which seemed to have held their collective breath for the entirety of proceedings, filed out, jabbering excitedly.
High-profile careers had been given the chop, right before their eyes. Heads had rolled, even if the bodies were physically absent.
And in the case of the best-known of all the characters in this public drama, Barnaby Joyce, there was another act to come.
Such satisfaction for those in search of spectacle in the national capital of Australia.