

This was published 9 years ago

Call for students to use their superannuation to pay down HELP debts

By Gareth Hutchens

A former policy advisor to Liberal senator Arthur Sinodinos is calling on the Abbott government to allow former tertiary students to use their superannuation accounts to repay their HELP debts.

Economist John Adams says the idea would be a "win-win" for the government because it would help to repair the Commonwealth budget while simultaneously increasing the take-home disposable income of young families.

John Adams believes former students should be able to use their superannuation to pay their HELP debts.

John Adams believes former students should be able to use their superannuation to pay their HELP debts.Credit: Andrew Meares

With the federal budget just three months away, the Abbott government is looking for ideas that may be palatable enough to pass the Senate while re-setting the policy agenda.

In a pre-budget submission, Mr Adams says his idea would not undermine the policy intent of universal compulsory super because people who chose to use his scheme could be forced to accept an increase in their super preservation age - the age at which they can access their super - which would compel them to accumulate super for longer than those who did not participate.

He reminds the government that it is facing extraordinary circumstances - with the paramount need to repair the structural deficit - and urges it to look beyond "existing orthodox policy thinking" and consider budget reform ideas that may appear "exotic" to help it resolve its fiscal challenges.

"It is of utmost national importance that the government employs all available budgetary options that are acceptable to the Australian people which allows the government to return the budget to surplus and reduces government debt," Mr Adams says in his submission.

"As noted by Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens ... last week, the budget deficit would go from 2 per cent of gross domestic product to 5 or 6 per cent in a heartbeat if Australia experienced a significant downturn.

"Tackling the debt and deficit situation is the number one challenge that the Coalition must come to terms with in formulating the 2015-16 budget," he says.

Mr Adams suggests introducing a voluntary opt-in scheme on July 1, 2015, with the option for individuals to retire all of their existing HELP debt in one go, or to retire part of their debt.


He says either option would help the government to repair its budget while ensuring the sustainability of the HELP scheme which, according to the 2014-15 budget papers, is expected to be worth $29.9 billion in 2014-15 before surging to $51.4 billion in 2017-18, a 71 per cent increase.

His scheme would also help families with cost of living pressures, he says, while reducing the scale of "middle-class welfare" by giving the government the opportunity to recalibrate its families and assistance policies.

HELP consists of five Commonwealth government loan programs, including HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, SA-HELP, OS-HELP, and VET FEE-HELP.

Mr Adams says the scheme should not pose any serious financial problems for the super industry, which is currently worth about $1.9 trillion.

"Given that the existing debt under the HELP scheme is expected to reach $29.9 billion for the 2014-15 financial year and that not all Australian who have HELP debt would take advantage of this scheme, the potential leakage of funds from the superannuation system would not pose any major financial ramifications for the industry," the submission says.

He says the government could run the scheme for six to 12 months to see what kind of macro and micro effects it may have before deciding whether to keep it running for longer.

It could also have a minimum age requirement for the scheme, only allowing Australians aged 30 years or over to participate in it, to avoid introducing a disincentive for students from paying their tertiary education expenses upfront that are covered by the HELP scheme.

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