

This was published 9 years ago

Cabinet reshuffle: Kevin Andrews takes parting shot at Malcolm Turnbull

By David Wroe

Defence Minister Kevin Andrews has fired a parting shot at his new leader as he took the extraordinary step of announcing his own sacking, pre-empting by less than an hour Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's cabinet reshuffle announcement.

In a clear act of defiance against the new leader, Mr Andrews has fronted a press conference in Melbourne and declared that he was "disappointed" not to be kept on in the key portfolio. However he said he would remain in Parliament and contest the next election.

Mr Andrews pointedly said that as a result of his sacking, Australia will have had "more defence ministers … than prime ministers in the past three years".

"Can I say that I'm disappointed that Mr Turnbull did not accept my offer to work with him. Frankly my remaining in this job was not about me. It was all about the stability of our Defence Force in Australia and its leadership.

Staying on as an MP: Kevin Andrews says he will contest the seat of Menzies in the next federal election.

Staying on as an MP: Kevin Andrews says he will contest the seat of Menzies in the next federal election.Credit: Paul Jeffers

"Mr Turnbull's decision now means that there have been more defence ministers in Australia than prime ministers in the last three years."

Mr Andrews also took a swipe at his predecessor, Western Australian senator David Johnston, whom he replaced late last year.

"As you know, Defence is meant to be a natural strength for the Coalition, but during this government it's not always been the case and I'm proud of what therefore has been achieved," he said.


He said that under his handling of the portfolio, "the fragile trust between government and defence was restored".

Kevin Andrew announces that he will has been sacked as Defence Minister.

Kevin Andrew announces that he will has been sacked as Defence Minister.Credit: Paul Jeffers

And he said the forthcoming Defence white paper is "finalised and ready for release" in what could be an effort to pile pressure on Mr Turnbull not to demand any major changes to the blueprint.

Mr Andrews said it had "been a great honour" to be Defence Minister and named as his "flagship achievement" was committing to a continuous build of surface naval ships to give defence industry and the navy certainty in the years ahead.

Kevin Andrews alongside Malcolm Turnbull when they were both on the front bench.

Kevin Andrews alongside Malcolm Turnbull when they were both on the front bench.Credit: Andrew Meares

Mr Andrews has spent the past week furiously lobbying to keep his job, stepping up his media appearances and repeatedly stressing that Defence needs continuity at a time when a new white paper is being developed and a major decision looms on the purchase of a new fleet of submarines.

"We've got defence personnel deployed at the present time. They are putting their lives at risk for all of us and as Defence Minister you have a sense of personal responsibility for that, to make sure it goes well.


"That means being on top of it and having that relationship with defence that is professional and one in which you are working with each other. That is extremely ­important."

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