

This was published 9 years ago

Cabinet papers 1988-89: conservation versus resources stoush

By Damien Murphy

Labor unexpectedly won a third election thanks to Joh Bjelke-Petersen's undermining of Liberal leader John Howard in 1987.

But by the following year the Hawke government was wondering how it could crank up for another run.

The new environment minister Graham Richardson came to the rescue.

Nicholas Brown, the National Archives' visiting cabinet historian, says the environment was the stumbling block for the disciplines of economic reconstruction.

Man of the moment: Joh Bjelke-Petersen soaking up the adulation in Albury in 1987.

Man of the moment: Joh Bjelke-Petersen soaking up the adulation in Albury in 1987.

"Recognising the electoral importance of the 'green vote', the government sought to negotiate a balance between the preservation of environmental values (especially in areas of World Heritage) and the need to offer assurances on resource security, 'multiple land use' strategies, and the accountability of procedures relating to mining exploration and development and the timber industries," he said.

Prime minister Bob Hawke had stood in Mossman Gorge, far north Queensland, during the campaign and promised world heritage listing for the Queensland Wet Tropics.

The Queensland Wet Tropics, the Lemonthyme and Southern Forests in Tasmania, the Eden wood-chip mill and mining in Kakadu National Park were galvanising issues which tested procedures and often polarised the positions taken by ministers and departments, and in relations with state governments.


In the stand-off in mid-1988 between Richardson and minister for resources Senator Peter Cook over the World Heritage listing of Tasmanian forests, arguments were bluntly framed by the former in terms of the need to quickly move "an emotionally charged" issue "off the government's agenda".

Creative input: Prime minister Bob Hawke getting some advice from Midnight Oil lead singer Peter Garrett on the opening of the Australian Conservation Foundation's new office in 1989.

Creative input: Prime minister Bob Hawke getting some advice from Midnight Oil lead singer Peter Garrett on the opening of the Australian Conservation Foundation's new office in 1989.Credit: Sebastian Costanzo

Cook wanted to marshal expertise and the pair openly contested in cabinet. Their fight undermined the professionalism that had been cultivated until that point and became a factional stoush generating wide caucus discontent.

The then minister for employment, education and training, John Dawkins, remembered the Richardson/Cook clash as indicative of the great change that had overtaken the cabinet since faction leaders such as the pair and Robert Ray had become ministers.

Winning formula: Bob Hawke and Graham Richardson walk among dead box trees at Disher Creek in Renmark South Australia.

Winning formula: Bob Hawke and Graham Richardson walk among dead box trees at Disher Creek in Renmark South Australia.Credit: David Bartho

"Hawke's management up to that issue had been superb, with most of the contentious issues sorted out before they came to cabinet rather than the full-on tussle that occurred between Cook and Richardson on that issue," Dawkins said last month when talking to the cabinet papers.

"Not only did it create a controversy that seemed to defy any sort of sensible resolution but its spilled over into other areas as well."

Grass greener: Graham Richardson to the environmental rescue. <i>Illustration: Peter Nicholson</i>

Grass greener: Graham Richardson to the environmental rescue. Illustration: Peter Nicholson

The 1989 debate over the construction of a wood pulp mill at Wesley Vale was particularly polarising, prompting bruised ministers to seek future agreement on processes to avoid fostering such "uncertainty in the business community" and damaging international perceptions of "the investment climate".

Instead, cabinet agreed to the creation of the Resource Assessment Commission, tasked with providing a high-level independent assessment of contending claims and public values.

Senator Peter Cook: clashed with Graham Richardson in cabinet.

Senator Peter Cook: clashed with Graham Richardson in cabinet.

By August 1989 the decision to defer a decision on mining in Kakadu for a year brought primary industries minister John Kerin into open dispute with Richardson and the environmental lobby.

International attention on the issue of climate change was escalating. A conference in Toronto in 1988 called for governments to commit to a 20 per cent reduction in world carbon dioxide emissions by 2005 and found receptive ears.

Divided cabinet: By 1989 primary industries minister John Kerin was in open dispute with Richardson and the environmnent lobby.

Divided cabinet: By 1989 primary industries minister John Kerin was in open dispute with Richardson and the environmnent lobby.

Responding to emerging diagnoses of "the Greenhouse effect", Richardson began in 1989 to build cabinet support for an Australian commitment to the "Toronto targets" that was - from the vantage of 2015 - a good deal more than token.

In retrospect the late 1980s were the greenest ever.

The Greens shared power with the ALP in Tasmania and Richardson's embrace of conservation issues was wily politics. He developed a close relationship with Phillip Toyne, a Melbourne lawyer who had worked in the Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service before becoming executive director of the Australian Conservation Foundation in 1986.

Hawke's green stand got him over the line once more in the 1990 federal election.

It was a narrow win, courtesy of Richardson-organised second preference flows, and as the media waited for Hawke to claim victory the first person he rang to thank was Toyne.

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