

This was published 9 years ago

Bronwyn Bishop's greatest hits (or misses) as Speaker of the Parliament

By Judith Ireland

It is the picture that sums up Bronwyn Bishop's speakership.

Her tenure may have been brief, but it was far from boring.

Fairfax Media photographer Alex Ellinghausen has created a mind-bending mosaic of Bishop - made up of photographs he and Andrew Meares took of the MPs Madam Speaker kicked out of the House of Representatives during her 20 months in the chair.

Ellinghausen began with a list of all the MPs that had been booted under standing order 94a. He entered their pictures into a program, that used an algorithm to make the final image, which is based on a photo of Bishop at the Press Gallery's Mid Winter Ball.

Mosaic of former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a.

Mosaic of former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares

Of course, Bishop's notorious time as Speaker goes beyond the boot outs and the expenses scandal that ended in her resignation on Sunday.

Here we take a look back at the controversial career of the woman who once pledged she would "act impartially" as speaker.

In chronological order, here are her greatest hits:


1. Questionable calls

Mosaic of former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a.

Mosaic of former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares

Bishop raised eyebrows from the outset when she allowed name-calling on her first proper day in the job

In November 2013, during question time, Bishop allowed leader of the house Christopher Pyne to use the term "Electricity Bill" (in reference to the Labor Leader).

Mosaic of former speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a.

Mosaic of former speaker Bronwyn Bishop made from the photos of MPs who have been suspended from question tIme under 94a.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares

Bishop ruled that Pyne "was merely using a description and I do not find the term unparliamentary".

The standing orders are super, super clear than MPs must be addressed by their titles (i.e. even "Bill" would not be OK, never mind the "electricity" part).

Her impartiality and judgement in the Speaker's chair remained a constant topic of conversation, like when she heckled Anthony Albanese from the chair (December 2013), let ministers run over time but not Labor questioners, or allowed government MPs to use the term "hypocrites," but not Labor MPs (March 2015).

2. Using the Speaker's suite for party fundraising

In May 2014, it was reported that Bishop had been hosting Liberal Party fundraisers in her Parliament House suite.

While a spokesman said there was nothing "illegal" about this, it was noted that other recent speakers had refrained from the habit.

At the time, Labor said Bishop's position was "untenable". Together with her decision to continue to attend party room meetings, critics argued that she was not approaching the gig in a sufficiently apolitical manner.

3. Naming Mark Dreyfus for saying "Madam Speaker"

Under Bishop's tenure, MPs were regularly sent out of the chamber for one hour under 94a.

But a "naming" is a much more serious and irregular event. It means that an MP is excluded for a full 24 hours.

In March 2014, Bishop caused a ruckus when she named frontbencher (and vocal QT participant) Mark Dreyfus. All he reportedly said, amid the din was "Madam Speaker".

In response, Labor (unsuccessfully) moved that: "the House has no further confidence" in the Speaker, in part, due to "gross incompetency in the administration of parliamentary procedure".

Over her entire speakership, Bishop went on to name Labor's Wayne Swan, Ed Husic, Dreyfus again, Jim Chalmers and Dreyfus again.

The Coalition's Andrew Laming was also named. Unlike the others, he brought flammable cruise liner fuel into the Federation Chamber to make a point during a debate.

FYI, former speaker Peter Slipper only named one MP. Anna Burke named none.

4. Burqa ban confusion

Controversy raged again in October 2014, when Bishop, along with Senate President Stephen Parry, moved to isolate women wearing a burqa or niqab from the public galleries at Parliament House.

Apart from lawyers arguing that there were discrimination issues with this one, Bishop also found herself in an uncomfortable stand-off with Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who called for a rethink of the policy.

Two weeks later, Bishop and Parry backed down.

But the brouhaha didn't end there, with Bishop contradicting Abbott about whether or not he had asked her directly to reconsider the ban.

5. The great 94a bonanza

From the outset, Bishop gained attention for not only the rate at which she kicked MPs out during question time, but also for the imbalance.

But no day was more impressive than November 27, 2014, when she booted out 18 Labor members in 55 minutes, complaining as she went of "that wall of noise".

Her previous record was 12 in a day.

Within one year in the gig, Bishop had already sent out more MPs than former speaker Harry Jenkins managed in three.

Combining namings with 94as, all up, she managed to kick out a tidy 400.

This includes 393 Labor MPs and seven from the Coalition.

6. Joining the Triggs pile on

In June 2015, Bishop was involved in a televised stand-off with President of the Human Rights Commission Gillian Triggs. During a Q&A special from the Great Hall of Parliament to mark the Magna Carta's birthday, Bishop joined the Coalition's attack on Triggs with gusto:

Gillian, if I can say, that report of yours [on children in detention] ​... has made you a very political figure and therefore you are subject to criticism.

As I said before you have to make the decision.

Are you a statutory officer carrying out an obligation with the protection of that office or do you wish to be a political participant?

In response, Anna Burke broke the convention of former speakers not speaking about the current Speaker. She argued Bishop was "totally trashing" the tradition of the Speaker remaining impartial in political debates.

Bishop retorted that she had done nothing wrong, as she was "first and foremost the member for Mackellar".


A good thing, too, given that's all she is now.

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