

This was published 10 years ago

'Big fat tax' best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, says OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria

By Tom Arup

    The head of the world's leading economic agency says countries should just put a ''big fat tax'' on carbon dioxide emissions as part of the race to stop climate change.

    Speaking at the World Cities Summit in Singapore, OECD Secretary-General Ángel Gurría said the available evidence showed the world would need to cut fossil fuel emissions to zero in the second in the half of the century to ensure global warming does not rise above two degrees – the international agreed goal.

    OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria with Treasurer Joe Hockey in February. Mr Gurria said a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme was the most efficient way to cut greenhouse gases.

    OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria with Treasurer Joe Hockey in February. Mr Gurria said a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme was the most efficient way to cut greenhouse gases.Credit: Rob Homer

    Mr Gurría, an economist from Mexico, said that could be done cost-effectively with carbon pricing measures such as a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme.

    It came as US President Barack Obama, having failed to pass a carbon trading scheme through Congress, was set to announce an executive order that emissions from American coal-fired power plants should be cut by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

    In Australia, the Abbott government is attempting to repeal carbon pricing legislation.

    Mr Gurria said he had formed the view that emissions trading schemes – which sets the carbon price by allowing companies to trade a capped number of pollution permits – did not work as easily or as quickly as carbon taxes, which is a set price put on releasing greenhouse gases.

    He said politicians did not like carbon taxes and preferred emissions trading because they did not like the term ''tax''.


    ''I say just put a big fat tax on carbon. It will be a lot easier,'' Mr Gurría said.

    He said generally countries were moving to reduce taxes on companies and labour to encourage economic growth and jobs. He said the loss of revenue from this could be compensated with consumption, property and green taxes.

    ''The tax side can be neutral if you just change the tax mix. You make a more business friendly, labour friendly and greener friendly tax structure,'' Mr Gurría said.

    Australia's carbon price has a flat tax rate for the first three years, after which it will revert to emissions trading. The Abbott government has vowed to abolish it and replace it with "direct action", under which some companies and farmers would be paid by taxpayers to cut emissions.

    Mr Gurría told the conference not enough that had been done since the troubled climate change summit in Copenhagen in 2009 to return the world's emissions to a trajectory consistent with keeping global warming to two degrees and it would take more time and money to do so.

    Countries are aiming to negotiate a new global climate treaty through the United Nations by a meeting in Paris late next year. If successful it would come into effect from 2020.

    Mr Gurría said countries should stop encouraging the use of fossil fuels through subsidies. In many of the world's poorest countries the cost of these incentives were higher than education budgets, he said.

    He said the subsidies were wasteful, environmentally damaging and economically regressive because they benefited those who needed them the least.

    Mr Gurría also said switching from coal to lower-emissions natural gas for energy was a good 30-to-40-year way-station on the move to zero net emissions from fossil fuels by the end of the century.


    Tom Arup traveled to the World Cities Conference courtesy of Singapore's Centre for Liveable Cities and Urban Redevelopment Authority.

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