

This was published 9 years ago

Australia not ready for regional Ebola outbreak, Greens say

By Dan Harrison

It could take two weeks to prepare Australian personnel to combat any Ebola outbreak in the Asia Pacific, because doctors and nurses have not undergone the specific training needed to combat the disease, officials have told a Senate hearing.

Australia's chief medical officer, Chris Baggoley told an estimates hearing on Wednesday that Australian Medical Assistance Teams - health workers and logisticians that were deployed to the Philippines last year to provide care following Typhoon Haiyan - have not been trained in the treatment of Ebola, nor in the use of personal protective equipment to prevent infections from patients.

Chief Medical Officer Chris Baggoley.

Chief Medical Officer Chris Baggoley.Credit: Peter Rae

Professor Baggoley said it could take "up to two weeks" to prepare these teams to treat any Ebola cases.

The government is under pressure from Labor, the Greens, health and aid groups to send health workers to West Africa to combat the lethal virus, which has already claimed more than 4500 lives.

Greens senator Richard di Natale.

Greens senator Richard di Natale.Credit: James Boddington

Health Minister Peter Dutton has said it would be irresponsible to deploy Australian personnel to West Africa until there is a guarantee that Australians who might contract the virus would receive adequate treatment. He has also said Australia's priority is preparing to tackle potential cases in the Asia Pacific.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott visited Papua New Guinea to reassure PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill that Australia would rapidly deploy health workers to support its regional neighbours to fight Ebola if required.

Mr Dutton told Sky News on Monday that Australia had "the capacity to deploy assets in human resources very quickly to our part of the world".

"We've learnt a lot from assistance that we've provided to the Philippines, to Indonesia, to Bali, in natural disasters and terrorist outcomes. And I think that we are well prepared and, actually, I think Australians should be very proud of our capacity," Mr Dutton said.


But Greens senator Richard di Natale said Professor Baggoley's evidence showed Australia was not prepared for Ebola reaching one of its neighbours.

"We learned today that Australia isn't ready to combat Ebola in our region," Senator di Natale said.

"What we heard today was that despite this country having a number of doctors, nurses and logisticians who are ready to ensure that they play their part in the global effort to combat Ebola, that they haven't had the necessary training to ensure that they can be deployed quickly."

About 30 Australians are believed to already be working in West Africa through organisations such as Medecins Sans Frontieres and the Red Cross. Senator di Natale said such organisations gave their workers intensive training in Europe on how to treat Ebola before sending them to West Africa.

"We had the Prime Minister go to PNG on his way to Indonesia and state that ... we're ready to help, should there be an outbreak on our doorstep. Today at Senate estimates we heard that the people that would need to be involved in containing that epidemic don't have the training they need. They haven't been sent for the intensive training that's required to ensure that they're able to combat Ebola, which requires very specific skills and expertise."

"If there was an outbreak of Ebola tomorrow in PNG it would be weeks before we could send Australian personnel."

"As someone who has worked in the public health field I am staggered that we are not being proactive enough to train our personnel for the unique circumstances around treating and containing an Ebola epidemic," Senator di Natale said.

"When it comes to containing infectious diseases, urgency and preparedness is key yet it appears as though Australia has been sitting on its hands."

In a separate hearing, Defence Force Vice Chief Ray Griggs said the military was drawing up plans to transport potential Ebola victims back to Australia from within the Asia-Pacific region.

Vice Admiral Griggs said by the end of November Defence expected to have the capacity to evacuate people within five hours flying time of Australia's north using C-130 and C-17 aircraft fitted with isolation pods.

Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie asked if Defence had any information on whether Australia's enemies could use Ebola-infected suicide bombers. Vice Admiral Griggs said there was no evidence to suggest that was likely. "One of the things we have playing to our advantage is our geographic isolation and the length of time it takes simply to get to Australia," he said.

In other developments, independent MP Bob Katter has written to state and territory health chiefs calling for any person returning from an Ebola-affected country to be isolated for the disease's incubation period of 21 days.

"We have the ridiculous situation, where horses running in the Melbourne Cup are in isolation quarantine for two weeks, but people coming back from an Ebola country are not in isolation quarantine," he said.

Meanwhile, a dozen Australian humanitarian organisations have issued a call to the Abbott government to do more to combat the Ebola crisis.

So far, the Australian government's contribution to international efforts to fight Ebola has been limited to a financial contribution of $18 million.

But in a statement issued by the Australian Council for International Development and endorsed by 12 Australian aid agencies, the groups call for Australia to deploy personnel, provide equipment and training and support preparedenss and contingency planning efforts.

"The world is fast approaching a point of no return in halting the spread of Ebola. Current estimates indicate that we could see 10,000 new cases per week by mid-December. Should global efforts at this stage fail to increase in both pace and effort, the long-term consequences in West Africa and beyond will be catastrophic," said Marc Purcell, the executive director of ACFID.

"We are facing an unprecedented situation that aid agencies alone cannot contain – governments like Australia can make a critical contribution," Mr Purcell said. "The international community still has the opportunity to turn this crisis around in the next few weeks, but this requires a significant and immediate increase in human, material and financial capacity."

with AAP

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