

This was published 8 years ago

Australia in talks with United States over naval patrols in South China Sea

By David Wroe

The United States is reportedly talking to allies including Australia about carrying out "freedom of navigation" naval patrols close to artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea, in a move that could provoke tensions with Beijing.

The New York Times reported that the patrols would sail within 12 nautical miles of the recently built islands in a strong challenge to Beijing's push into disputed waters that include some of the world's busiest maritime trade routes.

Artificial islands, such as this one planned by China, are causing alarm around the South China Sea.

Artificial islands, such as this one planned by China, are causing alarm around the South China Sea.

The paper reported that there would be discussions about the patrols at the AUSMIN talks in Boston, where Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise Payne are meeting with their US counterparts John Kerry and Ashton Carter.

Fairfax Media understands there have not been concrete talks between Washington and Canberra in recent weeks about exercises that would take Australian naval ships so close to China's claimed territory.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop is reported to be holding discussions about the planned naval patrols.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop is reported to be holding discussions about the planned naval patrols.Credit: AP

But Australia has been part of talks for months about how to respond to China's provocative island-building in the South China Sea. Beijing is using the artificial land to bolster its territorial claims over disputed waters that are also claimed by Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam among others.

Defence planners have been grappling with how to send a signal to Beijing that the region does not accept its unilateral actions, while avoiding the potential for a confrontation that could escalate.

Sailing through the islands' 12-mile zone, which marks territorial waters under international law, would send a signal that the US and any allies that join the patrols do not accept China's claims.

Australia has said the territorial claims must be arbitrated between the competing claimants according to international law.


The New York Times reported that the Pentagon had recently persuaded the White House that the patrols should go ahead.

Last week in Sydney, the commander of the United States' massive Pacific Fleet, Admiral Scott Swift, warned that if bullying behaviour at sea of the kind shown by China were not confronted, it would spread to land and become a "friction point" there.

Admiral Swift told the Royal Australian Navy's Sea Power conference that the US would challenge all efforts to impede free movement on the seas, and encourage partners to do so, because otherwise the principle that "might makes right" would become the new norm on land as well as sea.

The following day at the same conference, Senator Payne said Australia continued to oppose "intimidation" and "aggression" on competing territorial claims – a clear reference to Beijing's recent behaviour.

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