

This was published 10 years ago

ABC chief Mark Scott defends Indonesia spying revelations

By Daniel Hurst

The head of the ABC has defended the decision to reveal Australia's tapping of the Indonesian President's mobile phone, saying it was in the public interest.

ABC managing director Mark Scott compared the Indonesian spy scandal with disclosure of Australian Wheat Board kickbacks, which he said caused short-term "embarrassment" but was ultimately justified.

Mr Scott faced questioning over the issue at a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Tuesday.

He dismissed suggestions the ABC or Guardian Australia "sat" on the documents for months, following claims by conservative critics that the release may have been timed to hurt Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Managing director of the ABC Mark Scott has defended media reports that revealed details about Australian phone hacking in Indonesia.

Managing director of the ABC Mark Scott has defended media reports that revealed details about Australian phone hacking in Indonesia.Credit: Rob Homer

The disclosures, relating to a time when Labor was in power, have strained the relationship between Australia and Indonesia, with the latter recalling its ambassador and arguing Canberra had not provided an adequate explanation of its actions.

The ABC and Guardian Australia, in partnership, published stories based on documents obtained by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.

Defence Signals Directorate slides dated November 2009 revealed a series of high-level intelligence targets in Indonesia, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife.


Mr Scott said the ABC received the documents "a matter of days before broadcast", so it was not a matter of sitting of the information.

He understood the number of documents leaked to The Guardian by Mr Snowden were massive and took a long time to examine.

Mr Scott said he believed Guardian Australia "only had access to this material 24 hours before the ABC was alerted to it".

Liberal senator Anne Ruston asked Mr Scott whether it was reasonable to publish the slide documents given they were marked "top secret".

Mr Scott said the relevant test was whether releasing the material was in the public interest. He drew a distinction between the national interest and the public interest.

He said the disclosures raised questions about the nature and extent of intelligence gathering in the digital age, how information was shared and the security of that information.

"Yes, I appreciate that the release of some of this material might be embarrassing and ... might cause some difficulties with the Australian-Indonesian relationship in the short term," he said.

Mr Scott said previous reporting about AWB's kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's Iraq regime also caused embarrassment but was in the public interest and "probably in the national interest in the long term".

He said several slides were redacted (kept hidden) as a result of advice sought from unnamed Australian authorities.

Mr Scott said the ABC also sought internal legal advice before publication, similar to the process the national broadcaster often followed on sensitive stories.


Asked about the collaboration, Mr Scott said The Guardian was in possession of the documents and approached the ABC about working together.

The ABC had previously worked in partnership with News Corp on other matters, while The Guardian had worked with other publishers around the world on WikiLeaks disclosures, he said.

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