

This was published 8 years ago

Abbott swings into tax debate as options for PM narrow

By Mark Kenny

Malcolm Turnbull's tax change options have been narrowed by the dramatic partyroom intervention of Tony Abbott, who believes the backbench is tilting away from a mooted clamp-down on excessive negative gearing, and from any tax increases on capital gains and superannuation.

Abbott, who wrapped his views in plaudits for Turnbull in his first partyroom policy comments since losing office, made it clear no tax increases should occur at all, declaring it was "...time for the leadership to take on the savings challenge again". The effect was to laud Turnbull, and politically corral him also.

Some MPs believe it is now "practically impossible" for Turnbull to move on negative gearing in any way, now that Abbott has so clearly positioned himself.

Alive to the tactics, Turnbull responded in kind, praising Abbott's "open and courageous" leadership and stressing the strong sense of continuity his government enjoys with its previous form under Abbott.

Malcolm Turnbull says Australia has a big stake in the success of China's economic transition because it will generate enormous opportunities.

Malcolm Turnbull says Australia has a big stake in the success of China's economic transition because it will generate enormous opportunities.Credit: Andrew Meares

The opposition leapt on Abbott's re-engagement, depicting it as a strategic "shirt-fronting" of a weakened Prime Minister by his predecessor.

But this foray was more subtle than a shirtfront, and its long-run implications, more important for the government's political and budget fortunes.

Described as "calculated and highly planned", by one first-hand observer, Abbott's contribution had colleagues in the routine weekly meeting, suddenly alert and listening intently. Attitudes in both camps hardened.

The bitter rivalry of this pair means that nothing - and certainly not a sudden outbreak of mutual praise - is taken at face value.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg

Illustration: Ron Tandberg

The tax reform discussion is thus seen as a debate about core values, and, courtesy of Abbott's challenge, as a critical proxy-war over which leader most legitimately represents the soul of this conservative government.

Caught in the middle is Scott Morrison, who has previously referred to "excesses" in the negative gearing policy, and who on Monday described the tax reform options now available to the government as "dancing on the head of a pin".

It was a fair analogy as he struggles with the near-impossible task of finding enough savings to fund promised income tax cuts, without either mirroring Labor's proposals, or compromising the government's ability to campaign against them.

Morrison wanted MPs to know that an apparently easy binary choice between crimping generous tax breaks or not, was itself a decision. He pointed out that leaving things alone had fiscal consequences too. The message was clear: no pre-election income tax cuts will be affordable if they cannot be funded from somewhere.

Some MPs were livid, with veteran Victorian Russell Broadbent reminding his colleagues that it was this very partyroom that had installed Turnbull and Morrison just months ago, so it made no sense to be dictated to by the impatience of commentators by finalising a tax package in haste.

He asked MPs to let Morrison do his job and return options.

Abbott, said another unhappy MP, well knew the value of every word he uttered - compliments included.

Turnbull's superior "communications skills" was only generous except inasmuch as it came with the responsibility of selling the unpassed aspects of the harsh 2014 budget, which Abbott conceded, he had struggled to explain.

One MP said it was apparent that Abbott had come prepared - even testing election lines, which Turnbull would have no trouble using if he backs no increases. These were: a tax on super is an attack on elderly Australians; a tax on capital gains is an attack on battlers trying to get ahead; and, a tax on negative gearing is an attack on families.

Even Turnbull's "brilliant" parliamentary assault on Labor's plans for negative gearing and capital gains carried the warning "but we can't go down that path ... our words would come back to haunt us".

Viewed from a unity perspective, just months out from an election, this is a tricky moment for Turnbull and Morrison, and one born of the open wounds of last September.

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