

This was published 11 years ago

Help Fairfax Media investigate politicians' expenses

As federal politicians continue to face scrutiny over the suitability of expenses claimed for events such as weddings and sporting activities, Fairfax Media readers are being invited to help aid the search for potentially misused funds.

With thousands of pages of MPs' travel records and expense claims available on the internet, readers are able to contribute to our coverage of this issue.

Here's how to help.

Expense reports, broken into six-month periods from July 2008 to December 2012, can be accessed here.

The documentation includes parliamentarians’ overseas study travel reports and details of entitlements claimed.

PDF documents - titled Parliamentarians’ Expenditure on Entitlements paid by the Department of Finance and Deregulation - outline expenditure and adjustments, including domestic travel, car costs, overseas travel, travelling allowance, office facilities costs, office administrative costs and family travel. They also include car transport costs as advised by other departments in respect of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and presiding officers.

Within the PDF reports, people can click on the name of an MP or senator to see a more detailed breakdown of flights and other entitlements that they have claimed.

It can, however, take a bit of sleuthing to work out what event or occasion a particular flight was connected to.

For example, an examination of one report shows Mr Abbott, who was opposition leader at the time, claimed $349 in travelling allowance for an overnight stay in Port Macquarie on November 5, 2011, and $941 for related flights the same weekend (Brisbane to Port Macquarie via Sydney, returning to Sydney the following day).

Mr Abbott's parliamentary expenses report describes the overnight stay as "official business" and he has since confirmed this was to attend the Port Macquarie Ironman event. (Mr Abbott said he believed he had met his entitlements as he also attended other community events during the same visit to the marginal electorate.)


Without knowing in advance where Mr Abbott was at that date, it would be hard to verify the worthiness of the expense. That's where cross-referencing is important, be it with news reports or other records of politicians' movements.

Fairfax Media would like to point out that there are many legitimate expenses required to be claimed by politicians, and that it is important they travel as part of their job - both domestically and overseas. This is not about stopping that practice, just ensuring that it is governed appropriately.


Reporters are continuing to examine numerous expense claims made by politicians on both sides of politics, but that doesn't mean you can't contribute also.

Email us what you find, and please include a link to the specifc report you are referring to, details of what you have found, and how you think it breaches the rules. We will look further into cases that appear to have merit.

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