

This was published 8 years ago

Federal Election Campaign 2016: Leave Labor seats alone, Anthony Albanese tells Greens

By Michael Koziol

As the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader head north to the key election battleground of Queensland, another kind of cage fight is under way in the suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne.

On day one of a marathon eight-week campaign, Greens leader Richard Di Natale has hightailed it to the inner-Sydney seat of Grayndler, helping his firefighter candidate Jim Casey take on Labor's Anthony Albanese.

It sets the scene for a tough slog between the two left-of-centre parties, as they fight it out for the hearts and minds of progressive voters in urban seats.

Mr Albanese, who holds Grayndler on a comfortable margin but has been disadvantaged by a redistribution, wasted no time in telling the Greens to direct their efforts elsewhere.

Anthony Albanese

Anthony AlbaneseCredit: Ben Rushton

"Richard Di Natale could choose to target Liberal Party members," he told ABC Radio National.

"It says a lot about Richard Di Natale that his priority today … is removing me from the federal Parliament. If you think the Parliament will be a more progressive place without me in it ... then by all means that's his priority."

The comments assert Labor's long-standing position that the Greens should seek to reduce conservatives' presence in Parliament by targeting Coalition-held seats.


At last year's NSW state election, the Greens took the north coast seat of Ballina off the Nationals. They stole the Melbourne seat of Prahran from the Liberals at the 2014 Victorian state election.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has outlined incentives for more electric vehicles in Australia

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has outlined incentives for more electric vehicles in AustraliaCredit: Andrew Meares

Meanwhile, the Greens argue they are simply pursuing their most winnable seats, as all parties are wont to do.

Mr Di Natale recently told Fairfax Media he believes the Greens can win eight lower house seats within a decade, including some Coalition-held seats in Melbourne, New South Wales and Perth.

"We remind them [Labor] that they once had a conscience," he said of his critics in the ALP.

Mr Di Natale was also on Sydney radio on Monday morning, railing against the two major parties as "the Coles and Woolies of politics" and accusing both of neglecting climate change and the environment.

He said Mr Albanese was "a decent person" but noted he voted in favour of cuts to the Renewable Energy Target and offshore processing of asylum seekers. Labor was "locking up young kids" and "failing to show the courage against this cruel government", Mr Di Natale said.

Labor has been particularly sore over a supposed preference arrangement between the Greens and the Liberal Party in Victoria, in which Liberals would preference the Greens in seats the Greens are targeting, in return for the Greens running open tickets (rather than preference Labor) in some marginal suburban seats.

Mr Albanese said that would increase the likelihood of Mr Turnbull remaining Prime Minister and predicted a "backlash" from progressive voters.

The Greens currently have one lower house MP - Adam Bandt in the seat of Melbourne - and are likely to put considerable resources into other Melbourne electorates such as Batman, Wills, Melbourne Ports and Higgins.

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