

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten trade blows but no knockout punch

By Heath Aston

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten have traded blows for the first time in the election campaign in a live debate in which the leaders were at odds on health, housing affordability, national debt and privatisation.

A hundred swinging voters at the "people's forum" gave the win to Mr Shorten 42 to 29, with 29 undecided.

After a week of shadow boxing over the Coalition's business tax cuts and Labor's favoured ground of education, Mr Shorten came out strongly on the health and hospital system, drawing the first applause of the night.

Mr Turnbull finished the stronger, pledging that a re-elected Coalition Government would wipe out the nation's debt a year after the current four-year budget cycle in 2020-21.

Will Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull or challenger Bill Shorten win the election? Predicting a result may not be so easy.

Will Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull or challenger Bill Shorten win the election? Predicting a result may not be so easy.Credit: Andrew Meares

The Prime Minister also accused Labor of having a "$62 billion black hole" in its spending promises but Mr Shorten said "I reject that".

Mr Shorten accused the government of imposing a "backdoor GP tax" through the Medicare rebate freeze.

"In Australia we don't want a two-class system," he said.


Mr Turnbull responded with the announcement that Health Minister Sussan Ley had struck a deal with pathologists that they will continue to bulk-bill.

He conceded "we're very pressured in terms of cost" in health.

"We're working very hard to make sure your health system, your health system works better for you," Mr Turnbull said.

The debate was held before 100 swinging voters at Windsor RSL in Sydney's north-west in the seat of Macquarie. The seat is held by Liberal Louise Markus on a margin of just 4.5 per cent.

The Coalition insisted on the debate being held in Sydney after Mr Shorten had requested it be staged in north Queensland where Labor is hopeful of winning back a string of seats.

The timing of the debate, at 7pm Friday and up against two big football broadcasts, had been questioned, with suggestions that the Prime Minister's team was happy for the event to slide by without too much national attention.

The pair clashed heatedly on education funding but the audience appeared to warm to Mr Shorten's insistence that schools need more money and that all children deserved extra classes and that even the smartest should be pushed further. "One size doesn't fit all" he said.

Mr Turnbull was emphatic on negative gearing, warning Labor's plan to trim the system was a "reckless experiment on the biggest asset class in Australia".

He was armed with figures that 65,000 families in Macquarie were renting thir homes.

"Every one of those 65,000 families will see their rents go up if Bill becomes prime minister," he warned.

A questioner, Julie, asked if the government could allow people to access superannuation to buy homes but both leaders ruled out the idea.

Mr Turnbull drew some murmurs as he mounted a fierce defence of the banking sector against Labor's call for a Royal Commission.

On asset privatisations, Mr Shorten said sell-offs had "gone too far".

Mr Turnbull ruled out the sale of Australia Post in the medium term but left the door open to the privatisation of Australian Hearing Services, saying the private sector should provide services if it can do it better.

He capitalised on a question from Bob from Windsor on forcing multinational companies pay a fair share of tax. He suggested a system of "deeming" in which money made in Australia is taxed here.

Mr Shorten said he would consider the idea and speak to Bob.

But Mr Turnbull said the Coalition's diverted profits tax - sometimes called a "Google tax" - was effectively doing what Bob was asking.

"You're idea is something Scott Morrison put in the budget," he said.

About 200 protesters against a new western Sydney airport picketed the front of the RSL, forcing the leaders to enter via the back entrance om Friday.

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