

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: Chris Bowen warns Australia's AAA credit rating is at risk because of budget

By James Massola and Peter Martin

The National Australia Bank has told clients Australia's AAA credit rating is at risk as a result of the budget as Labor treasury spokesman Chris Bowen prepares to make preserving the rating a key plank of its election policy.

Mr Bowen will say on Tuesday the AAA rating is at risk because the Coalition refuses to admit the nation faces revenue problems. He will also promise to bring forward the mid-year budget update, from December to within three months of the election if Labor wins to update economic forecasts.

Ahead of Mr Bowen's speech, Coalition Finance Minister Mathias Cormann ramped up pressure on Labor over its costings, telling Fairfax Media that Labor had a $66.4 billion, four-year budget black hole and over 10 years, this could be as much as $190 billion.

The bank's global head of research, Peter Jolly, wrote to clients on Monday saying that Standard & Poor's was likely to be the first ratings agency to lose patience with Australia over government debt level, placing its rating on "negative outlook", indicating it could change in the next six to 24 months.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says the best strategy on the AAA rating is to not lose it in the first place.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen says the best strategy on the AAA rating is to not lose it in the first place.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The AAA rating is a measure of a country's credit worthiness and helps determine borrowing costs. Credit ratings agency Moodys warned last month the Turnbull government needed to raise taxes and cut spending or risk losing its AAA credit rating.

"Normally they [Standard & Poor's] rubber-stamp the AAA on the evening of the budget," Mr Jolly said. "This time, both Moody's and S&P have been more circumspect."

He said the different approach this time could mean Standard & Poor's had lost patience with the government over debt and the rating was under "active consideration".


The results of the review are due in late July, a few weeks after the election. If there is a change, the most likely one would be to a "negative outlook" rather than a downgrade to AA+.

Mr Bowen will argue that defending the AAA rating is "not just a matter of pride" but that confidence in the economy and the borrowing costs of state governments and major corporates could rise too, if the rating is downgraded.

"This budget does virtually nothing to improve the situation ... the contribution to fiscal consolidation from government decisions in this budget amounts to just $1.7 billion over four years," Mr Bowen will say.

"The Treasurer, in doggedly insisting that Australia doesn't have a revenue problem, is endangering our AAA rating.

"Once you've lost a AAA rating, it's very hard to get it back ... the best strategy on the AAA rating is don't lose it."

Mr Cormann, meanwhile, turned his guns on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten on Monday for "claiming the revenue from his tax hikes over a 10-year period instead of over the shorter four-year budget estimates period".

"It is important that everyone clearly understands the 10-year impact of his many spending promises as well. Under Labor, over the next decade, even after taking all their tax hikes and small savings measures into account, the budget would be up to $190 billion worse off compared to the government's policy settings," he said.

Over four years, the Coalition has identified $20.16 billion in savings and revenue measures proposed by government and blocked by Labor; up to $45.31 billion in spending measures Labor has previously called on the government to restore and $16.76 billion in the form of Labor spending proposals - a total of $82.23 billion.

But up to $45.31 billion is disputed by Labor, including restoring foreign aid cuts ($19 billion), revising hospital funding arrangements, ($4.76 billion) restoring Labor's timetable to increase the super guarantee to 12 per cent ($6.7 billion), reinstating the Gillard Government's School Kids bonus ($4.48 billion) and opposing pension asset test changes ($3.55 billion).

The ALP has outlined $13.97 billion in revenue measures and tax rises over four years and $1.86 billion in savings proposals - delivering the net four-year "black hole" figure of $66.4 billion.

The 10-year, $189 billion figure includes up to $174.44 billion of contested spending and Labor already argues that, for instance, it will not restore foreign aid spending in one go.

ALP Finance spokesman Tony Burke said: "Every few weeks, Mathias Cormann invents a new set of Labor policies, costs them and says: 'Look over there, isn't that a disaster'; this latest figure is no different".

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