

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: Malcolm Turnbull's response could be the making of him - or his undoing

By Michael Gordon

On his third attempt, Malcolm Turnbull has delivered the words he should have conveyed on Saturday night and, in the process, taken the first tentative steps to salvage his prime ministership.

Three days too late, Turnbull has taken full responsibility for the Coalition's disastrous election performance, accepted the people's verdict and vowed to learn from the messages the electorate has sent.

The most powerful of these, he now concedes, was that his side of politics has a mountain of work to do to rebuild community trust when it comes to health policy and Medicare. How it will do this is by no means clear.

Even if Labor told a "grotesque lie" about the Coalition's Medicare intentions, as Turnbull asserts, he concedes that the Coalition contributed to the "fertile ground" in which that lie could be sown.

Malcolm Turnbull speaking to the media in Sydney

Malcolm Turnbull speaking to the media in SydneyCredit: Christopher Pearce

This is a huge leap from the tirade Turnbull delivered after midnight on Sunday, when he blamed the Coalition's losses on Labor's Medicare scare campaign and by, inference, the gullible voters who fell for it.

Turnbull, of course, is not the only leader slow out of the blocks when it comes to grace and humility. Bill Shorten's triumphalism has been every bit as misguided as Turnbull's initial denial and anger with everyone but himself.

Three days too late, Turnbull has also acknowledged the public's disillusionment with politics, his government and the major parties and promised to explore ways to respond to it.


He insists it is too early to make definitive judgments, saying it will take some time to "analyse and absorb all the learnings". Fair enough, too.

But at least three should not take too long to process. One is the need to reach out to the conservatives in his party room by offering Tony Abbott one of the now vacant spots on his frontbench.

The crucial caveat here is that this can only happen if there is a genuine rapprochement between the two, which hinges as much on the attitude of Abbott as Turnbull.

A second response is to reconsider the superannuation changes that were never approved by his party room and were attacked by the Liberal base as having unintended consequences, of punishing those who had acted in good faith and of being retrospective.

A third will be to commit to legislate only the company tax cuts that were to come into force in the next term of government, and to put future cuts to the people at the next election.

Other questions are far more complex and warrant deep analysis. If, for instance, Turnbull has the numbers to legislate for the promised plebiscite on marriage equality, he should proceed with it quickly and deploy all of his skills to ensure it is conducted with civility and respect.

If the main message was that voters want their politicians to represent the "sensible centre", it is also the case that many who turned away from the major parties opted for those who represent anything but the middle ground.

Supporters of Abbott will argue that the flight to the likes of Pauline Hanson would have been less likely had their man still been in charge and press for a harder line on national security and the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalism.

Yielding to them will only further alienate those in the middle, who hunger for Turnbull's passion on issues like climate change to be reflected in actions.

One certainty is that the results of the Coalition election post-mortem will make for embarrassing reading for all concerned: the leader, the campaign director, the pollster and the likes of Treasurer, Scott Morrison.

Acting on those results will be a far more demanding exercise that will either be the making of Turnbull – or his final undoing.

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