This was published 11 years ago
'Fearful' Kevin Rudd warns Coalition win would damage economy
By Judith Ireland and Bianca Hall
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Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has said he "genuinely fears" what a Coalition government would be like and has told Australians that if they have any doubts about what Tony Abbott would do in government, "don't vote for him".
But he remained defiant on Thursday night when challenged on whether his five-week scare campaign on the Coalition’s costings ‘‘had come to naught’’.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd addresses the National Press Club in Canberra.Credit: Andrew Meares
‘‘It’s very plain that here we are, 24 hours before an election, and we have no comprehensive list at all of their cuts, their massive cuts, to jobs, health and education,’’ Mr Rudd told the ABC's 730 program after the Coalition announced an additional $9 billion in savings measures.
Despite the fact the Coalition’s costings revealed modest boosts to the health and education budgets, Mr Rudd insisted that Australian’s lives, jobs, schools and hospitals were at risk.
And Mr Rudd refused to acknowledge there was no basis for Labor’s repeated claim the Coalition had a hidden $70 billion ‘‘black hole’’, despite Politifact and the ABC’s fact checker finding there was no basis for it, and Thursday’s documents showing no evidence for the claim.
Earlier in the day, in what was expected to be his last major speech of the campaign, Mr Rudd told the National Press Club that there will be "fundamental change" if the Coalition is elected on Saturday.
"Mr Abbott's cuts risk damaging our economy," Mr Rudd said.
"Based on their history, I genuinely fear for what the Liberals would do in office ... It would be a radically different Australia where there is a fair go for some.
"I say to the Australian people if you are in doubt ... on how Mr Abbott's massive cuts would hurt your jobs, your schools and your hospitals and the economy in this most fragile of global economic times, don't vote for him."
Mr Rudd also rounded on Mr Abbott for small-picture thinking, riffing off the Coalition leader's comment on potential Australian military involvement in Syria earlier this week: "I don't think we should be getting ideas above our station".
The Prime Minister said he thought the phrase was "deeply symptomatic of a Conservative view of Australia's future more generally".
"The problem is that Australians have never had much regard for our station in life ... And we have certainly never been prepared to be constrained by others' definitions of us. You see, we Australians have always had ideas well beyond our station."
Mr Rudd used the concept to talk of previous Labor reforms and policies, including Medicare, compulsory superannuation and the apology to the Stolen Generations.
"We are the party of nation builders," he said.
During the question and answer section, Mr Rudd again would not be drawn on his plans after September 7, should Labor lose the election.
"My intention is to serve them as their local member of Parliament and equally to serve them as Prime Minister," he said of the people of his Griffith electorate.
He also continued to argue that the election is not over for Labor, saying he would be "fighting" until the polls closed on Saturday.