

This was published 11 years ago

Campaign drama fizzles amid empty slogans

The two parties' election strategies are vacuous, boring, and hard to tell apart.

By Mark Kenny

Gough Whitlam once likened American politics to a couple of soft-drink bottles of the same capacity and shape, but with different labels. A trademark dramatic pause ensued before he observed that they were both empty.

One wonders what he would he make of the current dry argument over Australia's future?

But then, this is not really about Australia's future, is it?

Tony Abbott sees the electorate as a kind of giant mega-jury from which he is seeking a clear verdict of guilty on the Gillard/Greens/independents government, which, by the way, he did everything in his power to render permanently temporary.

'The current election campaign... has failed to live up to even these tawdry standards.'

'The current election campaign... has failed to live up to even these tawdry standards.'Credit: Andrew Meares

Kevin Rudd's novel strategy has been to effectively concede the opposing counsel's closing argument so as to sidestep his own culpability for Labor's sustained internal mayhem. Yet the second crucial part of his cunning plan, the bit where he provides voters with something inspirational to warrant another three years, has simply failed to materialise.

Unable to see forward, voters are thus left with a false choice between ending the ambiguity of power by opting for Abbott, or, a ''doughnut'' Labor administration that saved us from the GFC but had nothing to do with the past three years. Witness Rudd's frank admission on Sunday that Gillard's carbon tax lacked a mandate.

The absence of the ''vision thing'' in 2013 has some branding this a ''Seinfeld election'' - a show about nothing - and others dubbing it ''the most boring ever''. It is certainly light on for real interest.


Mention 2010 and pungent memories flood back such as the leaks that stopped Gillard's campaign dead in its tracks in week two and lumbered us with the hung Parliament. Abbott's wooden stake through the heart of WorkChoices, via his melodramatic, ''dead, buried, cremated'' mantra was another big talking point.

And who can forget the bizarre ''Real Julia'' declaration - a more abject piece of repositioning has rarely been attempted. Of course, voters never forgot Gillard's ''no carbon tax under the government I lead'' pledge.

The current election campaign, however, has failed to live up to even these tawdry standards.

Rubbishy unsourced yarns have blown up like summer storms.

There was the claim that Rudd had berated a make-up artist, until it emerged that he'd done nothing of the sort. Another alleged that he'd postponed a national security committee meeting on the Syria crisis to film a celebrity TV cooking slot, until it turned out he hadn't.

The parties themselves can hardly complain. Constrained by Labor's blood-strewn path to the poll, its recycled leader has struggled to reconcile his role as the last PM's assassin against an ill-defined promise of ''a new way''. Labor still has not explained what this ''new way'' actually entails.

If voters have been abandoning Rudd, his luck has too.

A points win in the first people's forum in Brisbane was quickly swamped by the make-up artist frenzy. The assertion that Rudd had ''dissed'' her was whipped along by media barrackers who claim the moral high ground of protecting the public interest even as they go about undermining it.

On Tuesday, Rudd held a Sydney harbourside press conference to explain the plan to relocate the Garden Island naval base to Brisbane. It was already going off the rails, but running into a fuming NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell, made it a train wreck.

''Four thousand jobs and you never rang,'' O'Farrell kept saying, all of it in front of TV cameras.

Labor's troubled campaign has allowed Abbott to sail through with minimal pressure. His gold-plated paid parental leave scheme not only makes a mockery of the claim of fiscal prudence, it reverses the precept of the modern liberal democratic state where tax rates reflect people's capacity to pay, and where the least well-off are given assistance on the basis of need.

His PPL does the opposite by paying the wealthy the most, while trimming a couple of billion out of the meagre incomes of some of the least wealthy such as self-funded retirees.


Whitlam's reduction of US politics seems to apply here nowadays - very similar, and both empty.

Mark Kenny is The Age's chief political correspondent.

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