

This was published 11 years ago

Call for investigation into Syria 'chemical attack'

By David Wroe

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott have both called for an investigation into reports Syria's Assad regime used nerve gas in bombing civilian neighbourhoods in the country's ongoing conflict.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr said the attack on the outskirts of Damascus, was reported to have killed 1300 people, including children and could signal a serious escalation in the conflict.

Senator Carr has urged Syrian supporters such as Iran, Russia and China to tell the Assad regime that chemical weapons are a line that can't be crossed.

Mr Rudd said on Thursday that news of a chemical weapons massacre in Syria was ''repugnant'' and he wanted United Nations weapons inspectors to investigate.

Mr Abbott said reports of mass casualties suggested crimes against humanity, but warned there was no "magic wand" to end the civil war.

Mr Rudd says Australia co-authored a United Nations security council letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requesting weapons inspectors be immediately dispatched to establish the facts.

''The use of weapons of mass destruction in any circumstances is intolerable and unacceptable in any civilised nation,'' Mr Rudd told reporters Thursday.

''When weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, are used against civilian targets it is repugnant beyond description.''

Mr Abbott said the reports were "shocking" and consistent with the tendencies of the brutal regime.

Images published overnight include rows of dead children and if the attacks were proved, they would be the worst breaches of international conventions against the use of chemical weapons since former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein killed 5000 Kurds in the town of Halabja 25 years ago.


Campaigning in Sydney on Thursday morning, Mr Abbott said the reports were appalling but he would reserve judgment until proof emerged.

"They are shocking and, if proven, would appear to constitute a crime against humanity," he said.

"If true, they are an utterly reprehensible thing and I've got to say, of a piece with the kind of horror that we've come to expect from one of the worst regimes in the world."

Asked whether it was time for the international community to take firmer action to stop the two-year civil war, which has claimed more than 100,000 lives and destabilised the region,

Mr Abbott said previous interventions by the West showed the difficulty of any action in Syria.

"I think it is important that the international community do what it reasonably can to try to bring a measure of peace and a measure of justice to that tragically war-torn country. I don't want to pretend that there is any magic wand that can be waved here," he said.

"We've seen the difficulties of western intervention in countries in the Middle East and while I don't say that the interventions that we've seen have been misguided, no one should underestimate the difficulty of trying to bring about better outcomes in the Middle East."

Mr Rudd said Australia's UN Ambassador, Gary Quinlan, personally briefed him after attending a lengthy emergency UNSC meeting in New York.

Asked if it was time for the international community to directly intervene in Syria's long-running civil war, Mr Rudd said there should be an ''appropriate course of action'' once the facts are established.


A UN chemical weapons team arrived in Syria at the weekend to investigate three sites where chemical weapons were previously alleged to have been used, but they would need Syria's approval to investigate the new allegations.

with AAP

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