

This was published 5 years ago

'Unrelentingly partisan': Did the Murdoch press sway the election?

By Bianca Hall

The day after the election, a fuming Kevin Rudd took to Twitter.

"In all the election commentary last night, not a single word on the elephant in the room," the former prime minister wrote.

"Murdoch, with 70 per cent control of Australia’s print media, ran the single most biased campaign in Australian political history. Reason for the silence? People are in fear of Murdoch’s power."

In happier times: Kevin Rudd meeting with media magnate Rupert Murdoch in New York in 2008.

In happier times: Kevin Rudd meeting with media magnate Rupert Murdoch in New York in 2008.Credit: Trevor Collens

Rupert Murdoch's papers, which actually account for about 60 per cent of newspaper sales in Australia, ran a relentless campaign against Labor.

In addition to its newspapers' front pages and columnists, which were almost uniformly glowing in their praise of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and in attacking the ALP's policies and leadership, every Murdoch paper editorialised in favour of the Coalition on election eve.

But did the negative campaign affect the outcome? Does newspapers' treatment of issues really drive people's individual voting decisions? The Australian and tabloids the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and The Courier Mail, have backed the Coalition in every election over the past decade The Australian, Telegraph and Courier broke with tradition and advocated a vote for Rudd in 2007.

(The Age and Sydney Morning Herald both backed Shorten in their editorials at this election, and Malcolm Turnbull at the previous election in 2016. In 2013 all papers bar The Age supported Tony Abbott's Coalition government).

The NT News was the only News Corp paper to back Shorten at this election.

They were extremely, predictably, unrelentingly partisan ... they don't even pretend to be impartial any more.

Rod Tiffen

Rod Tiffen, emeritus professor in government and international relations at the University of Sydney, has been studying the Murdoch effect for years.

He argues that - to borrow Julia Gillard's famous phrase - the News Corp papers' coverage doesn't explain everything, and it doesn’t explain nothing.


"Look, I think they were extremely, predictably, unrelentingly partisan and that's become more pronounced with every election; they don't even pretend to be impartial any more," Tiffen said.

"But I think in terms of direct impact, it's very small. In terms of direct reach, they're shrinking. Their audience is very much an older demographic, who are very much set in their ways."

Australians consume media that reflects their own world view, Tiffen says, rather than being persuaded by a newspaper telling them what to think.

It is a view backed by research from Oxford University scholars Morgan Marietta and David Baker, whose analysis of five years of data found that voters' core values and beliefs shape the way they view the world, regardless of what media they consume. Those beliefs were unshakeable by fact checks, or competing world views.

In this reading, even if the Murdoch press has become more strident in its election coverage in recent years, as Tiffen argues, it is unlikely to have had much effect on readers - who have already formed their world view based on their own values.

Executive chairman of News Corp Australasia Michael Miller said: "Those looking for people to blame for why the election went against what they were hoping for once again insult the intelligence of Australian voters and their ability to make up their own minds."

However, Tiffen believes the broader effect of News Corp's campaigning is in its effect on other media outlets' coverage, and what issues are amplified or suppressed in the mainstream media.

Rudd agrees, telling The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald that beyond the "outrageous bias" of their coverage, News Corp continues to have a "massive impact" on Australian politics.


"They shape the content and tonality of the daily discourse because beyond their own readership, they are routinely picked up by television, radio and digital media where journalists are few and it’s easy to run their stuff," Rudd said.

"In Queensland, Murdoch has a near monopoly in print, not just in Brisbane but in the major regional centres. The core skill craft of the Murdoch editors, through headlines, photo selection and personality-based stories is to de-legitimise Labor leaders over time, as opposed for example to [Prime Minister] Morrison, who is routinely referred to as matey "ScoMo" or respectfully as simple "PM". And try and find one unflattering photo of Morrison for the whole campaign. All these factors have a cumulative effect."

The Daily Telegraph and other News Corp papers ran a relentless campaign against Bill Shorten's Labor - but did it work?

The Daily Telegraph and other News Corp papers ran a relentless campaign against Bill Shorten's Labor - but did it work?

And yet, one difference between this campaign and previous elections was the willingness of Labor's leadership to return fire on the Murdoch press.

Leader Bill Shorten publicly refused to meet Murdoch for dinner in the United States, and then-Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek suggested News Corp was trying to block funding increases for schools and hospitals, to protect "tax loopholes" from which it benefits.

After the Telegraph and Courier Mail carried a story suggesting Bill Shorten had misled voters about his late mother's career, party president Wayne Swan was livid.

In an email to supporters and the media titled "Gutter tabloid trash", Swan unloaded.

"Every single election they’ll say and do anything to stop Labor from winning," he wrote.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

"This election is no different. Their gutter tabloid attacks are proof there's no level these people won't stoop to in protecting their billionaire bosses ... These newspapers try to tear down our leaders and tear down our ideas, every time. It's a deliberate strategy to keep conservatives in power."

Shorten had calmed down by the time he was interviewed by the ABC's Barrie Cassidy three days later.

"If some newspapers and some editors want to be political parties they should just come out and say it," he said. But, he implied, the power the papers once carried had waned: all that was left was the shouting.

"Any vote they can take off Labor they took off three or four electoral cycles ago. I mean the real problem here, and let's not even talk about the Telegraph but, if you like, traditional media, is that they are under threat ... But the way forward for them isn't just to become more frenzied."

University of Melbourne professor of politics Sally Young says the News Corp coverage during the election campaign became "more erratic than it's ever been".

She points out there is no empirical measure available for researchers to assess whether the mainstream media influenced voters at an individual level.

"They don't have as much impact as they used to, but in places like Queensland, where they've got such a hold on the audience, maybe it does have an impact."

More broadly, she says, News Corp influences politicians and the political class.

"No one wants to be on the receiving end of a campaign," she said. "The psychological effect on politicians is important. They keep that in the back of their minds – 'what would the Herald Sun say, and what would the Daily Telegraph say'?"

Veteran pollster John Utting, formerly the ALP's national pollster since 1996, lost the contract to conduct Labor's internal polling this campaign. It was instead contracted out to YouGov Galaxy, the same company responsible for the fortnightly Newspoll published in The Australian.

Had it not been for consistent polling putting Labor ahead over the past three years, Utting says, Malcolm Turnbull would have led the Coalition to the election and Labor could have better honed its messages to ensure a win.

Asked whether News Corp's coverage swayed the election, Utting demurred.

"I just don't know about that. What I think made a difference is that we might have been operating in a parallel universe – a false narrative – because of the polls.

"I just come back to, when the radar is wrong, you hit the rocks."

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