

This was published 5 years ago

The architect of the Coalition's unlikely victory is 'proof nice guys can win in politics'

By Latika Bourke

Andrew Hirst may have just won an election on his first attempt as federal director of the Liberal Party. And a famous victory at that. But his first job on Monday morning, after returning home to Canberra from weeks away in Brisbane, was the school drop-off.

From there it was to the R.G. Menzies building down the road from Parliament House, where the Liberal and Australian flags flapped in the Canberra sunshine. Inside, staff unpacked campaign paraphernalia and office supplies trucked back from campaign headquarters in Queensland.

December 2013: Andrew Hirst speaks with Chief Government Whip Philip Ruddock.

December 2013: Andrew Hirst speaks with Chief Government Whip Philip Ruddock.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

That afternoon, one of Hirst's predecessors, Brian Loughnane, swung by the office to toast his protege.

"I'm here to pay homage," Loughnane told him. It's safe to say he's not the only one.

While Scott Morrison has been widely and publicly congratulated for the spectacular political upset he pulled off on Saturday night, the praise has also been directed at Hirst, who many consider to be the other author of the Liberal Party's success.


The 41-year-old became federal director in 2017 and many conservative insiders gave him little chance of reviving the party's fortunes after Malcolm Turnbull's poor showing in the 2016 campaign.

"Hirsty", as he has been known since his school days at Canberra Grammar, had inherited a blank page with the party's long-time pollster Mark Textor hanging up his hat and no ad agency on board. But many questioned if he had the experience and force of personality to manage a high-stakes campaign for a fracturing political moment.

Hirst nevertheless went about bringing generational change to campaign headquarters. He hired Simon Berger and Isaac Levido as deputies, brought CTF Group's Michael Brooks to Australia from London and engaged an Auckland-based ad agency, Topham Guerin, which had worked for the Liberals on the winning NSW and South Australian campaigns.


"It was a phenomenal campaign, it was due more than anything to Scott Morrison, but Andrew did an incredible job bringing the team together and the massive infrastructure needed to put together a strong campaign and he's done a superlative job at doing that," Loughnane said.

Andrew Hirst was an adviser under Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin.

Andrew Hirst was an adviser under Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin.Credit: Andrew Meares

Loughnane said Hirst's unassuming nature swiftly earned the trust of his team.

"Campaigners tend to operate behind the scenes and it takes a particular temperament to do that," he said.

"Every campaign, whether you win or lose, has its highs or lows. It's very rare that a campaign looks as though it's going to win the whole way through and you need to remain calm under incredible pressure and deal with things factually and emotionally.

"And it goes without saying, Andrew does have those qualities, he's humble and calm and doesn't panic."


John Howard's former chief of staff, Liberal senator Arthur Sinodinos, agreed: "He was unflappable and sure of the direction."

"He ran a near flawless campaign, it was well organised, everything ran smoothly, there were good lines of communication," Sinodinos said.

"He was adept at keeping staff and candidates motivated when things weren't looking particularly flash."

Hirst is quick to genuflect to his mentors - in particular Loughnane. Hirst consulted Loughnane's personal records of the 2010 and 2013 campaigns stored in blue folders in his office.

While Hirst worked for Liberal leaders Brendan Nelson, Turnbull and Tony Abbott, he said the greatest political lessons were learned from Loughnane and other former Liberal directors such as Tony Nutt, Tony Eggleston, his former Crosby Textor boss, co-founder Sir Lynton Crosby and Andrew Robb.

Robb was director at the time of John Hewson's 1993 Fightback loss, which Hirst remembered on Saturday night.

Liberal Party director Andrew Hirst is being credited with Scott Morrison's shock win.

Liberal Party director Andrew Hirst is being credited with Scott Morrison's shock win. Credit: AAP

"I was in year 10, I remember watching election night, I stayed at a friend's house in Malua Bay [on the NSW South Coast], I remember it well," he said.

If that seems young to be watching campaigns, Hirst said his interest in politics began before that.

His parents met at Old Parliament House where his mother worked for the Labor-turned-Liberal Senator Reg Withers and his father, a public servant, worked in the office of Kim Beazley senior.

"Politics was always a dinner table conversation," he said.

But it was his father's death, when he was eight, and his mother's subsequent sacrifices that turned him towards Liberal politics.

"The centre-right of politics believes in supporting family, in backing middle-class Australians who want to make sacrifices and to save to ensure their kids can have private health insurance and a choice of school," he said.

"We grew up in a family where my Mum worked bloody hard and made sacrifices to save.

That informed my values."

Hirst happily describes himself as a "politics fanatic" but considers himself "reasonably normal". He loves spending time with his partner and their two children, enjoys the cricket, supports the Bulldogs in the NRL and watches Scandi Noir films.

"I don't think I'm particularly caught by the bubble," he said.

His former colleague, Tony Barry, agreed. "Despite living and working in the bubble, he’s actually just a very normal guy.”

Internal political machinations have gripped the last 10 years of politics and nearly cost his party office. But Hirst, who not only managed to work for the succession of Liberal leaders but rise in seniority in each office, has, unusually in Canberra, never had a reputation for playing the game.

"You've just got to be a straight-shooter and remember why you're there in the first place," he said.

"You don't go into it to play the games, you go into it because you have a genuinely-held view that our side of politics is the best-equipped to drive our country forward and lift living standards.

"I think it's important in politics to not believe your own bullshit."

Barry said it's Hirst's quiet confidence that makes him such a rare success in politics.

"One of his great attributes is he has no insecurities and wants to surround himself with smart and talented people and knows a good idea when he hears one," Barry said.

“Andrew Hirst is proof that sometimes in politics, nice guys do come first."

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