

This was published 5 years ago

Richard Di Natale and the Greens' moment of truth

By Judith Ireland

Richard Di Natale has spent the past three days driving an electric car up the North Coast of NSW. While Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten officially paused their election campaigning over the Easter weekend, the Greens leader has been protesting against the Adani mine in an anti-coal convoy.

Di Natale is not taking a break, because he feels there is no time to lose.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale at Parliament House.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale at Parliament House. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"Climate change matters more than anything else at this election because it is, quite literally, an existential threat to humanity," he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. "This has got to be a climate change election because we're running out of time."

The 2019 election is also a critical election for the Greens and their position in the parliamentary ecosystem. Six of the party's nine senators are up for re-election, with three of them, Sarah Hanson-Young in South Australia, Larissa Waters in Queensland and Mehreen Faruqi in NSW, facing tough battles to retain their seats.

Di Natale says the primary focus for the party is on re-electing the existing Senate team, adding the results will "come down to the wire" for Hanson-Young, Waters and Faruqi. But the Greens leader is also hopeful of picking up an extra Senate seat in the ACT and says it is possible the party will win additional lower house seats.

On top of Adam Bandt's seat of Melbourne, which the party is all but certain to retain, the Greens rate themselves as a chance to pick up the blue ribbon Liberal seats of Kooyong and Higgins, as well as the Labor seat of Macnamara (which was called Melbourne Ports before a recent redistribution and will see sitting member Michael Danby retire).

There is also optimism about the inner Brisbane seats of Griffith (held by Labor frontbencher Terri Butler) and Brisbane (held by moderate Liberal Trevor Evans) as well as the safe Labor seat of Canberra.

Di Natale concedes the party is starting as the underdog in these additional races, but says they are all "potentially winnable".


Election analyst Kevin Bonham is less convinced about the Greens' chances of increasing their haul. Bonham describes the Macnamara contest as "interesting", as it was a very close three-cornered contest in 2016 between Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens, and Danby is retiring.

Richard Di Natale with Victorian Greens candidates.

Richard Di Natale with Victorian Greens candidates. Credit: Eddie Jim

"The others are a scattering of pretty long shots, in my view," he says. "If they hold on to all six Senate spots, that would be a big relief for them."

The battle for Senate control

With some of their highest-profile senators on the line in 2019, the Greens are billing this election as a contest for control – and the soul – of the Senate. It is possible the Greens and Labor will get to the magic number of 39 in the upper house, which would enable the two parties to pass legislation on their own, and return the Greens to the position of power they had after the 2010 election.

But this would depend on some states, such as Victoria and Tasmania, splitting 4:2 in favour of Labor and the Greens candidates versus the Coalition and other conservative parties.

"A strong result could deliver the Greens sole balance of power with Labor, but we are competing against One Nation for the final spot in some seats, so it's also possible One Nation could end up in the balance of power," Di Natale says.

Recent polling by progressive think tank the Australia Institute suggests the most likely scenario is Labor and the Greens will manage to gather only 38 senators, and groups such as One Nation and Centre Alliance will also be key players when the new Senate takes effect come July 1.

"There are a range of possibilities and the Senate is notoriously unreliable to predict," Di Natale says.

Can the Greens and Labor work together? 

The Greens make no secret of their desire to see a change of government in Canberra.  Di Natale says the 2019 election is an opportunity to have "a resounding defeat for the Liberal Party and force them to acknowledge climate denialism is no longer a viable position for them after this election".

So it is unsurprising that even though we are still weeks away from knowing the election result, the Greens are already talking about how they would work with a potential Shorten government. Last week, the party's environment spokeswoman, Hanson-Young, flagged plans to use the Greens' $2 billion nature fund policy in negotiations with Labor on climate change.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale in discussion with Greens senators in Parliament.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale in discussion with Greens senators in Parliament.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Di Natale says he has met with Labor leader Bill Shorten "a few times" and thinks the two can be  "open and direct" with one another. (The Greens leader describes his relationship with Prime Minister Scott Morrison as "almost non-existent".)

That level of directness with the ALP has already begun, with Di Natale arguing Labor needs a far stronger approach to tackling climate change.  Labor wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent by 2030, based on 2005 levels. This is much higher than the 26 per cent proposed by the Coalition, but falls well short of the 63 to 82 per cent target the Greens are calling for.

While the Greens target might seem radical to some, experts say it is the only one consistent with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees. Scientists say this target must be met to avoid catastrophic impacts, including obliteration of the Great Barrier Reef.

"People are crying out for leadership," Di Natale says, rejecting the argument that there needs to be a consensus on climate change across the entire Parliament so that policies are not undone by future governments.

He insists a potential Shorten government needs to be willing to negotiate with the Greens in the Senate, "to deliver a policy based on science, not something that appeases the climate deniers in the Liberal Party".

The Greens have long been criticised for blocking then prime minister Kevin Rudd's carbon pollution reduction scheme in 2009 (they argued it did not go far enough). When asked how willing the Greens would be to compromise with a Labor government on climate change, Di Natale says: "We will stop bad policy and we will champion good policy."

Even though Labor and the Greens later reached a deal on a carbon price under Julia Gillard's prime ministership in 2011, senior Labor figures have not forgotten 2009 and the relationship between the two parties has been rocky.


In response to a Guardian story about climate change policy last week, deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek tweeted: "Do you [Di Natale] think people have forgotten your party worked with Tony Abbott to stop action on climate change last time?"

Should the Greens be doing better? 

The Greens are contesting the election at a time when public concern about the environment has arguably never been higher. An April 2019 poll by Ipsos found that 23 per cent of those polled were concerned about the environment. This compares to 14 per cent around the time of the 2016 federal election.

This also comes off the back of growing community action around climate change and a summer featuring record temperatures, drought, floods, bushfires and horrifying fish kills, as well as voter dissatisfaction with the major parties.

So this raises the question, rather than being worried about losing its existing seats, shouldn't the Greens be guaranteed to pick up a host of new ones?

Di Natale says the party has experienced "huge growth" since he joined 19 years ago. This includes going from one senator in 2000 – with Bob Brown – to nine senators and one lower house MP in Federal Parliament as well as dozens of state MPs and almost 100 local government councillors.

"For years I've heard commentators say, 'The Greens vote has peaked.' But what we've proved is that we're an enduring, grassroots, people-powered movement."

The Greens leader adds he is confident the party will continue to see an increase in support, "especially as the major parties fail to take action on climate change".

There have nonetheless been some unedifying times for the Greens since the 2016 federal election. The party lost four of its five upper house seats in the 2018 Victorian state election and failed to pick up the federal seat of Batman in last year's byelection – seen as its strongest chance to pick up a second lower-house spot.

While the Victorian state result was also influenced by preference deals, both the state election and byelection were surrounded by ugly infighting.

In NSW, the Greens have also been distracted by ongoing ideological wars, resignations and allegations of "sexual violence", although the party had a stable result at the recent state election.

The future for Di Natale 

Elections can be a dangerous time for political leaders if the party they lead is under pressure. But the infighting in state branches does not seem to have reached Canberra, where the Greens publicly and privately insist they are united.

"We all know this is a tough election because we've got people up in every state. The team is really rock solid and supportive," says Hanson-Young, who is often talked about as a possible successor to Di Natale but says she is not interested in being leader herself.

Larissa Waters is similarly adamant Di Natale is not going anywhere: "Richard will remain leader for as long as he wants to remain leader," she says. "We think the world of him. I think everybody's mum is in love with him."

For his part, Di Natale, says: "The reality is that leading the party relies on the support of your colleagues and it's both a privilege and an honour to have it."

In terms of his longer-term parliamentary plans, the Greens leader, who is father to two boys, aged eight and 10, notes he is not up for re-election this time. In three years, it will be time to assess whether he wants another six-year term.

He says despite the honour of leading, "it's a tough gig, particularly with a young family".

"But I'm up for the fight because there's never been a more important time for the Greens to succeed."

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