

This was published 9 years ago

El Nino unmasked: Changing conditions point to ramped-up risks for Australia

By Peter Hannam

The impacts of the monster El Nino in the Pacific are likely to intensify across much of Australia, including worsening drought and an elevated bushfire threat, after conditions that were nullifying its effects suddenly retreated, the Bureau of Meteorology said.

In a rare move to reflect "a significant shift towards a drier October nationwide", the bureau on Wednesday updated its three-month seasonal outlook for October to December just a fortnight after it was issued.

The main shift has been in the temperatures of the Indian Ocean, with the eastern region rapidly cooling off compared with the west, a pattern that tends to choke off rainfall streaming across the Australian continent from north-west Western Australia.

"The Indian Ocean has gone from masking to reinforcing the El Nino in Australia," David Jones, head of climate analysis at the bureau, said. "We've seen this sharp escalation in the impacts."

Long, hot summer: Adam Watkin douses spot fires near his home on Three Chain Road near Lancefield in Victoria.

Long, hot summer: Adam Watkin douses spot fires near his home on Three Chain Road near Lancefield in Victoria.Credit: Justin McManus

South-eastern Australia's weather has lurched towards significantly warmer conditions in the past week, with a massive high-pressure steering winds from the hot centre into the region.

The bureau is still compiling the data but many early-season heat records will be broken. Melbourne had its hottest maximum so early in October on Monday, with 34.4 degrees, only to set a new mark just a day later with 35.8 degrees.

Sydney had its hottest trio of days so early in the warming season, with the spell broken only by a strong southerly buster on Wednesday morning.

The exceptional heat - in places 15 degrees or higher than average for October - combined with Australia's third-driest September to create very high fire danger levels in five states early this week.


Dozens of fires were burning as of Wednesday, including about 80 kilometres north of Melbourne.

Outlook worsens

The bureau's updated outlook highlights the shift in conditions.

Two weeks ago, the bureau issued its outlook for the odds of rain being above or below average for the coming three months, only to increase significantly the area likely to have sub-par rainfall in its update. In some areas, the decrease was as much as 40 percentage points.

The Indian Ocean has gone from masking to reinforcing the El Nino in Australia

David Jones, head of climate analysis, Bureau of Meteorology

Move the cursor over the charts below to see how the outlook has changed:

The lurch in conditions is also also reflected in the chances of above-average temperatures for most of southern Australia.

In its initial release on September 24, the bureau had predicted warmer than average maximums over much of south-western and eastern Australia - while the update now shifts the odds for unusually high temperatures for the coming three months to cover all of southern Australia.

Drier conditions are a factor because there is less moisture available to provide cooling through evaporation.

Dipole surges

The impacts of the El Nino, already among the strongest on record, are showing up as severe drought in Papua New Guinea and parts of Indonesia.

In El Nino years, easterly equatorial trade winds stall or reverse, shifting rainfall eastwards away from south-east Asia and eastern Australia, while eastern parts of the Pacific typically turn wetter.

For Australia, a contrary influence this year had been coming from the Indian Ocean where record warm sea-surface temperatures had been conducive to producing good rainfall, moderating the El Nino, Dr Jones said.

"It took some sting off the El Nino [in winter]," he said.

However, the gauge that measures the relative west-east Indian Ocean temperatures, known as the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), has moved sharply higher in the past couple of weeks.

From neutral conditions, the IOD has now reached levels not seen since 2006, and is now the second-highest on record, Dr Jones said. "The speed it has developed is quite significant," he said.

The El Nino is not expected to break down until early next year, the bureau and other forecasters predict.

The bureau hopes the worst of the reinforcement of the El Nino from the Indian Ocean will pass sooner than that, as the positive IOD tends to be shorter lived.

Farmers and firefighters will be among those watching the skies and ocean temperatures closely.

Bushfire season starting earlier

Scientists have known for some time the bushfire season is getting longer - particularly in spring - as background temperatures warm from climate change and winter rainfall across southern Australia declines.

"We are seeing an unusually early fire season, with projections for a difficult season ahead throughout southern Australia," Grant Wardell-Johnson, the Director of the Curtin Institute for Biodiversity and Climate, said. "The El Nino event has already sharpened climate change impacts."

"South-western Australia is not yet on the news this year for fires," Associate Professor Wardell-Johnson said. "But we are also grappling with a new fire world, following [a trend of] drying and warming for over 40 years."

Roger Stone, director of the International Centre for Applied Climate Sciences at the University of Southern Queensland, said fire fighting and other authorities should have prepared for a bad fire season once the El Nino got going.

"Our major bushfire periods in Australia's past have always had an increased risk during major El Nino events," Professor Stone said, citing the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983 and around Hobart in 1965-66.

"El Nino events tend to lead to lower rainfall and high maximum temperatures plus lower relative humidity in many parts of Australia – and we still have summer to come," he said.

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