This was published 9 years ago
Paris UN climate conference 2015: Five things we learnt this week
By Tom Arup
The nights have been long, and the progress steady but slow. So what have we learnt over the first week of the Paris climate summit?
1. India is the centre of attention and main potential roadblock to a deal
From the first day of the Paris talks, questions about India's role were flying across the Le Bourget conference centre on the northern outskirts of Paris.
India had been talking a hard game in the weeks leading up to the conference – many have observed it is playing the role China did at the failed Copenhagen talks of 2009. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi cut a largely conciliatory figure when he spoke at the conference, but still underscored a desire for his country to be given room to increase its emissions as it drags itself out of poverty.
Is this a good sign? India is still understood to be playing hardball inside the negotiations, including blocking several proposals to raise the ambition of a deal.
In particular, there are hard lines being drawn on monitoring systems for emissions, while India is also pushing against attempts by vulnerable countries to get proper recognition of more ambitious goals to keep global warming in check.
But observers say there are some other areas were it has been more flexible, perhaps reflecting some moderation over the week..
Asked about India's starring role at the talks, negotiator Ajay Mathur said: "I'm in a sense glad that the emphasis is on India because it more than anything else points out the challenge of development in a climate-constrained world".
While there are plenty of other potential troublemakers – Saudi Arabia, in particular – India is regarded as the one country that might have a mind to bring down the talks, and be big enough to actually do it.
2. It's all about money
As widely predicted before the conference, the issue of climate funding for poorer countries has emerged as perhaps the biggest sticking point.
The idea of climate funding is well established – it is the delivery of money to poor countries to help them cut emissions and prepare for the impacts of global warming.
The dispute ultimately surrounds how much and who should pay.
Industrialised countries have already committed to delivering $100 billion a year in public and private funding by 2020. But the poorer nations want them to lift this commitment after that.
At the same time the rich nations want to expand the countries who contribute to this funding. Their argument is that many advanced emerging economies – such as the petro states and countries like China – are now wealthy enough to help out.
But forceful attempts to try to expand the donor base sparked an angry realisation from the main group of developing countries called the G77 plus China. This was dismissed in some quarters as early talks positioning.
The European Union appears to be the first to suggest a compromise. It has proposed that the $100 billion a year from developed countries by used as a floor post-2020, but one which could be built on if the donor base was expanded.
3. It's also a matter of degrees
You will hear often that the aim for any new global agreement on climate change is to keep warming below an average two degrees from pre-industrial levels.
But for many vulnerable countries, in particular small island states and least-developed African nations, two degrees is still too much. Instead they want 1.5 degrees.
The debate is how to include this goal in the agreement.
It could be put in the preamble to the agreement, but that would render it relatively meaningless. If it is put in the actual text then it would have more force, and the United Nations would have to include it as a benchmark when it conducts reviews and stocktakes of emissions cuts under the Paris deal.
Again India and Saudi Arabia are trying to block any reference to 1.5 degrees, at this stage at least. And they are seeking to shut the door on a new assessment by the International Panel on Climate Change on the impacts of 1.5 degrees, along with any consideration of a previous report on roughly the same theme.
But one island nation negotiator said there was now close to a majority of nations who wanted the 1.5 degree goal treated meaningfully in the agreement, and no deal without that would be possible.
4. Speaking of Australia ...
It has been an odd week for the Australian delegation, with a few wins, a few accusations and one near diplomatic death experience. But that's life in the United Nations climate negotiations.
Australia became a target by imputation, though not named directly, of the G77 plus China for its stance on an expanded climate funding donor base and its moves generally to try to break down old barriers between how industrial and the large emerging economies are treated in the UN climate negotiations.
The Australia delegation responded to this moment by saying: "We see the model for a new legal agreement as one which reflects an evolving global economy."
Earlier Environment Minister Greg Hunt had caused a few nervous moments for the negotiators when he suggested the French organisers had their own agreement text that they would produce on the weekend, a slip-up that threatened a major diplomatic incident.
Mr Hunt and senior members of the Australian delegation spent the next few hours scrambling to explain that the minister had misspoken. And they got away with some light stories in the Australian media rather than a full outbreak in the conference hallways.
Elsewhere Australia cut a deal on the side of the talks with the tiny Carribean nation, Saint Lucia, in which it backed the 1.5 degree goal being included in the agreement in exchange for winning passage of favourable accounting rules.
5. We are going to see just how good the French are at diplomacy
At the time of writing negotiators were set to work overnight to try pare back the draft text of the Paris agreement.
By all accounts there was some moderate progress, but the text is still expected to be in an unruly state by the middle of Saturday in Paris when it is due to be handed over to the French.
From there France – which prides itself on its diplomatic traditions – will need to shepherd the negotiations through to the end. Government ministers, including Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, are flying in over the weekend for the final days of the negotiations.
There is an enormous amount of work to be done. But those who were at the failed Copenhagen climate summit in 2009 will tell you the mood in Paris is more constructive.
France has been building for 18 months to this moment. It has invested huge political and diplomatic effort on the world stage into making the Paris talks a success, and pushed on with the summit even when violence was brought to its streets by terrorists just weeks before.
But it is not only the French who have skin in the game. The planet has been waiting for this moment for a long time as well.
Fairfax Media is a partner of the United Nations Foundation