

This was published 8 years ago

Fears for Koala colony rise after Pacific Highway upgrade gets Josh Frydenberg's nod

By Peter Hannam

A nationally significant koala population could be wiped out within a couple of decades after the federal government approved an upgrade of the Pacific Highway that bisects a key colony, environment groups say.

Josh Frydenberg​, the new Environment and Energy Minister, approved the four-lane expressway's new route near Ballina on the NSW North Coast on July 19, the day he was sworn in, the groups say. The NSW Roads and Maritime Services made the approval public only on Monday – a month later.

"We were disappointed by the lack of transparency," said Josey Sharrad​, campaign manager for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

The RMS hailed the approval, without which the upgrade between Broadwater and Coolgardie cannot proceed.

Koala habitat near Ballina won't stop an upgrade of the Pacific Highway.

Koala habitat near Ballina won't stop an upgrade of the Pacific Highway.Credit: John Hamparsum

The construction will result in four lanes of divided highway from Hexham near Newcastle all the way to the Queensland border, "providing a safer journey for thousands of motorists each day", the RMS said in a statement.

To limit the impact on koalas, now estimated to number about 200, the RMS will build 26 wildlife crossings, improve fencing and plant 130 hectares of koala habitat. The plan is based on recommendations by experts and NSW Chief Scientist Mary O'Kane​.

But Ms Sharrad said the koala population would suffer from the disruption as the new highway cut a swath through its habitat.

"You can't mitigate against extinction," she said, noting research by ecologist Steve Phillips found the colony may last only 20-25 years once the road is built.


While the crossings were an improvement on the original plans, the new plantings would not be sufficient to counter the loss of about 50 per cent of the colony's current food trees as a result of the construction. "It will take a while for those trees to grow and in the meanwhile, what are the koalas going to feed on and live in?" she said.

"The Federal Government has a strong record in protecting the environment and our natural flora and fauna," Mr Frydenberg said, adding that Ballina Koala Plan would "have a positive outcome" for the koalas.

"This is based on the results of the Population Viability Analysis and the management measures proposed to address current koala decline in the region."

Penny Sharpe, NSW Labor's environment spokeswoman, said the Baird government was "in cahoots" with their federal colleagues in signing "the death warrant of the iconic and vulnerable koalas in northern NSW".

"Labor supports the upgrade of the Pacific Highway but has always argued that the route should be able to accommodate an upgrade and protect the Ballina koalas," she said.

Mehreen Faruqi​, NSW Greens environment spokeswoman said Mr Frydenberg could have insisted the Baird government examine other options for the highway route.

"Koala populations around the state are in decline, with NSW koala numbers plummeting by a third since 1990," Dr Faruqi said. "We have to be smarter than this and not make lazy decisions that jeopardise their future."

According to Dr Phillips, natural causes accounted for just 11 per cent of all confirmed koala deaths in the area during 1989-2014. Disease, vehicle collision and domestic dog attacks were major contributors to the mortality rate.

"The loss of these [food] trees, coupled with disturbances arising from the road construction process, may well jeopardise the viability and survival of each of the local populations affected," he said in a statement earlier this year.

A spokesman for the RMS described the upgrade as "the biggest regional road project in the southern hemisphere", costing about $8 billion since 2011.


"Since work started the number of lives lost has halved. A fully duplicated highway is expected to be open to traffic by 2020," he said.

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