

This was published 3 years ago

Power to change: Why the US and China must work together on the climate crisis

Can these two great rivals quarantine climate change from their broader competition for supremacy and work together to confront the threat?

By Nick O'Malley

Can the US and China work together to tackle climate change?

Can the US and China work together to tackle climate change? Credit: Fairfax

A satellite image shows the new forest spreading in a thick band from China’s northern borders with Russia and Mongolia to the south and west, towards the Gobi desert.

By the time the planting is finished in 2050, the Three-North Shelter Forest Program will cover about 35 million hectares, an area about the size of Germany. It will be the largest environmental project ever undertaken on Earth.

Though launched in 1978 to stop the spreading desert from unleashing sandstorms into rapidly expanding cities, the program is a key part of Chinese domestic efforts to address climate change.

Forest workers in a tree farm in Yichun City in north-east China’s Heilongjiang Province in June 2021.

Forest workers in a tree farm in Yichun City in north-east China’s Heilongjiang Province in June 2021. Credit: Getty Images

By cartographical ledger, China is greener today than it was a generation ago.

But that isn’t the whole story.

The project is emblematic of the country’s strengths in tackling such a complex problem as climate change, says Li Shuo – who is based in Beijing and directs Greenpeace’s climate and energy policy in east Asia – but it’s also emblematic of its weaknesses.


Its sheer scale and ambition is almost difficult to comprehend for those used to the efforts of Western nations. But because it was first shaped by centralised planning departments rather than by ecologists and scientists, much of the energy expended was wasted, particularly in the early years.

Officials directed the planting of swathes of fast-growing poplar trees and the resultant monoculture did little for biodiversity and left the new forests prone to pest infestation and erosion.

In the years since, science and leadership have improved and so has the forest.


China, meanwhile, performed its economic miracle, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and placing itself at the heart of global manufacturing.

As a result, in 2006 it surpassed the United States as the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide and it remains so today. Industrialisation has been as destructive to Chinese environments as it had been to others before them. And to the Earth’s atmosphere.


By the time the world met to thrash out what became the Paris Climate Accord in 2015, a few things were obvious. Each nation needed to do its bit. But if an agreement was to be reached, developed nations had to make deeper emissions cuts than emerging economies.

It was also clear that if the world had any chance at all of staving off the worst impacts of climate change, the United States and China would have to work together.

The US is the greatest historical source of emissions. Most of the greenhouse gasses it produced during its global rise are still heating the planet. Together, the US and China account for 40 per cent of today’s global emissions.

After the failure of world climate talks in 2009, the US and China were determined to ensure the Paris talks would not fail the same way.

Months before the Paris summit began, the two nations shocked the world by announcing their own climate deal. China agreed to peak emissions in 2030; the US to reduce its emissions by between 26 and 28 per cent by 2025. Climate laggards would not be able to use the failure of these giant economies as cover for their own Paris targets.

But with Donald Trump’s victory, the US abandoned its efforts and the relationship between the two nations deteriorated.


A new green deal

Under President Joe Biden, the US is again determined to act. Biden has announced an even bolder target - reducing US emissions by 50-52 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030. He is now using the entire machinery of American diplomacy to drive the world towards agreeing to drastic action at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow in November.

At the same time though, US domestic climate policy is hostage to Republicans in the Senate.

This boom-and-bust cycle of American urgency and inaction has not inspired confidence in China, says Li.

John Kerry, who led the pre-Paris secret diplomatic mission from the US, is again leading negotiations between the two countries. Before Biden’s climate conference in April, China and the US made a joint statement saying that climate change “must be addressed with the seriousness and urgency that it demands”, suggesting there was hope the two powers could quarantine the issue from their broader competition.

Bernice Lee, research director for futures at the London-based foreign policy think tank Chatham House, notes that although President Xi Jinping does not confront the same pressures as democratic leaders, he is not immune from political gravity.


Xi may have invested political capital in climate action, but he confronts the same imperatives to maintain prosperity and employment as his Western peers. Meanwhile, some Chinese provincial leaders ramp up coal production and coal plant construction reflexively as economic stimulus.

Lee also believes that China now sees action on climate as linked to its broader and growing international power and prestige.

Professor Bill Hare, a lead author on the fourth assessment for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and chief executive of Climate Analytics, says China is reducing the carbon intensity of its coal-heavy power sector faster than many nations, including Australia. Even as it opens new coal mines, he notes, it is closing older, less efficient ones.

He agrees that Xi and much of the Chinese Communist Party leadership view climate change as a potentially existential threat, particularly as crop yields shrink and water supplies fall under threat due to climate pressures.

How far China is willing to go will become clearer in the months leading up to the Glasgow talks, he says.


Climate Analytics data is used to build the Climate Action Tracker, which judges the progress nations are making towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming well below 2 degrees Celsius, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

It makes for grim reading. Australian policies are judged as “insufficient”, China’s as “highly insufficient”. US efforts fall into the worst category, “critically insufficient”.

Hare explains this is a reflection of the Trump administration’s abandonment of the issue, and new rankings taking in analysis of the impacts of Biden-era policies will soon be published.


Li believes that China’s actions may not be made clear at the Glasgow talks, where any concessions could be chalked up as a diplomatic victory for the US. Rather, he says, announcements could be made domestically or in other settings, such as G20 meetings or at the United Nations General Assembly in September.

Asked which nation he believes has done more to address what many see as the defining issue of our time, Li says that both have failed so far.

Looking back over their records, he says, provides data about the past but not answers to inform our future.

Pushed to forecast, Li says despite his concerns about China’s mixed messages on climate, the issue has not become as politically polarising in Beijing as it has in Washington.

While America’s climate plan will be tested at the polls again in 2024, China’s leaders, for good or ill, will dictate the course for the next three decades.

In that light, says Li, there is some reason to believe Chinese climate policy may improve more rapidly and predictably than America’s.

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