

This was published 8 years ago

June sets another global temperature record, extending a blazingly hot year

By Chris Mooney

This June has joined every other month of this year so far in setting an all-time monthly record for global temperatures, according to two separate US science agencies - although the globe was not as warm last month as it was earlier in the year.

"Warmer to much-warmer-than-average conditions dominated across much of the globe's surface, resulting in the highest temperature departure for June since global temperature records began in 1880," the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

Globally averaged temperatures in June were 0.9 degrees Celsius warmer than the average across the 20th century, NOAA said. That slightly surpassed temperatures measured in the prior record June of last year.

Data from NASA, also released Tuesday, broadly agreed with that analysis, despite a somewhat different way of slicing the information.

The agency said that globally averaged temperatures in June this year were 0.79 degrees Celsius above the average for the years 1951 to 1980.

That barely edged out the global temperature in June last year, when the departure from average was 0.78 degrees Celsius in the agency's dataset.

Overall, the data suggest the fading strength of the dramatic 2015-2016 El Nino event is slowly taming the record-breaking spike in global temperatures.

Current Pacific Ocean conditions are neutral, with a shift into La Nina conditions expected later this year, NOAA said.

Average global temperatures from 1880 to 2016 (covering January to June).

Average global temperatures from 1880 to 2016 (covering January to June).Credit: NASA


The long-term temperature trend remains unmistakably upward, but the June departures from average are noticeably lower than those observed in past record-breaking months this year. For instance, in NOAA's dataset, June 2016 edged out June 2015 by 0.02 degrees Celsius. Yet February 2016, in the same dataset, crushed February 2015 by 0.33 degrees Celsius.

Nonetheless, it has been a staggering run for the planet of late.

Land and ocean temperatures for June 2016.

Land and ocean temperatures for June 2016.Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

"This was also the 14th consecutive month the monthly global temperature record has been broken - the longest such streak in NOAA's 137 years of recordkeeping," NOAA reported.

Both NOAA and NASA have rated every month this year so far as a record-breaker.

 The two agencies use somewhat varying methodologies and data sets in compiling their temperature analyses, which are based on temperatures at both the land and also the sea surface. Yet, in general, they reach consistent conclusions. In recent years they have begun to make announcements jointly about the annual temperature of the planet.

The two agencies use somewhat varying methodologies and data sets in compiling their temperature analyses, which are based on temperatures at both the land and also the sea surface. Yet, in general, they reach consistent conclusions. In recent years they have begun to make announcements jointly about the annual temperature of the planet.Credit: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Somewhat surprisingly, June 2016 was missing a feature that has prompted much chatter - an anomalously cool patch of ocean water to the south-east of Greenland, which has been a recurrent feature in the past several years.

However, it did feature a curious record cold patch of ocean water off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula in the NOAA temperature graphic.

Meanwhile, the NASA graphic captured extremely warm temperatures over the Antarctic peninsula and much colder temperatures offshore.

Right now, 2016 is running far ahead of the prior record year, 2015, for temperatures.

In a press conference Tuesday, NASA's Gavin Schmidt, who directs the agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, provided a temperature analysis not just for June 2016, but for the first six months of this so-far record warm year.

"This is the first time that we're doing an analysis midyear, mainly because the average temperatures for the first half of this year are so in excess of any first part of the year that we've seen," Schmidt said.

"2015, as some of you were aware, was a warm year, but 2016 really has blown that out of the water," Schmidt continued, noting that the temperatures were so high in the first part of this year that they neared a 1.5 degrees Celsius increase above pre-industrial temperatures, a key threshold temperature in international climate policy discussions, the other being 2 degrees Celsius.

"It is fair to say that we are dancing with those lower targets," Schmidt said.

When it comes to what caused the record highs of 2016, "we get about 40 per cent of the record above 2015 is due to El Nino, and 60 per cent is due to other factors", Schmidt said.


Schmidt has asserted in the past that there is a greater than 99 per cent chance that 2016 will break 2015's full-year record.

Washington Post

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