

This was published 4 years ago


Is the adage ‘never trust anyone over 30’ a thing of the past?

By Jenny Sinclair

It’s Friday, so Jane Fonda is getting herself arrested, and Greta Thunberg isn’t going to school. Fonda is an 81-year-old movie star who has been famous practically forever. Until a few months ago, no one had heard of Thunberg, 16.

Jane Fonda protesting on Capitol Hill.

Jane Fonda protesting on Capitol Hill. Credit: AP

Yet the reason Fonda chose Fridays for her ''Fire Drill Fridays'' climate protest was to support Thunberg in her mission to save the planet. Swede Thunberg stages a school strike every Friday, so Fonda is planning to be arrested every Friday for the foreseeable future. Fonda had a 17-year-old American climate striker speak at the launch of Fire Drill Fridays, and proudly posted photos of her own granddaughter being arrested for the first time.

In Britain the 70-year-old leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, this month announced a new ''youth services pledge'', building on the support he has from young British voters – support so strong it was termed a ''youthquake'' by the British media, even though it didn’t win him the 2017 election.

A typical campaign photo of Corbyn shows his wrinkled, bearded face wearing a big grin while surrounded by what look like children too young to vote.

In the US, Elizabeth Warren, also 70, is polling particularly well among young voters, bolstering her run for president.

In Australia, author and Indigenous elder Bruce Pascoe, aged "about 72", was a star attraction at this year's Rainbow Serpent Festival, usually very much a youth scene. Pascoe’s book on Indigenous agriculture, Dark Emu, has been so popular with young readers that he’s just released a school-age version, Young Dark Emu.


Pascoe’s message of environmental hope through returning to Indigenous agricultural practices has resonated with a generation that sees mainstream methods as having failed it.

Is the adage "never trust anyone over 30" a thing of the past? That saying was coined by the Baby Boomers, and the Baby Boomers are all over 55 now. Today’s teenagers and twentysomethings seem willing both to lead their elders and to listen to them. Today’s older people – at least some of them – seem happy to get on board with the agenda young people are setting.


It’s not that younger people have suddenly and improbably started listening to their parents; this is more like the kids and the grandparents ganging up on the middle-aged parents because the kids’ future is at stake.

To connect with the young, older people need to have something meaningful to offer. It doesn’t hurt if they have the right look; one academic put some of Pascoe’s success down to his “guru” persona. And it helps most of all, as Fonda seems to know, if they are willing to listen to the people who have the most skin in the game – those with the most years left to live in the world we’re making for ourselves.

Jenny Sinclair is a Melbourne writer.

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