

This was published 6 years ago

'Inherent flaw': ACT threatens to block energy plan

By Peter Hannam

The Turnbull government's signature energy plan fails to anticipate sudden exits of ailing coal-fired power plants and could lock in targets for a decade - two key design flaws that incline the ACT government to block it, Shane Rattenbury, the territory's energy minister said.

"It's very difficult for us to sign up [to the National Energy Guarantee] in the current form," Mr Rattenbury told Fairfax Media. His support will be crucial for the NEG to succeed because it requires all states and territories to sign up. The Federal Government hopes the NEG will reduce power prices, cut carbon emissions and improve reliability of the grid.

ACT Energy Minister Shane Rattenbury won't back the National Energy Guarantee in its current form.

ACT Energy Minister Shane Rattenbury won't back the National Energy Guarantee in its current form.Credit: Sitthixay Ditthavong

Mr Rattenbury said the plan's weak 2030 emissions target for the electricity sector - which may actually be achieved as early as 2020 as renewable energy surges - was another issue Josh Frydenberg, the environment and energy minister, had shown no sign of budging on.

There had been "absolutely zero movement" from the goal of cutting sector emissions 26 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030, the minister in the Labor-Greens government said. That target is at the low end of Australia's 26-28 per cent pledge in the Paris climate agreement, and most analysts agree pollution cuts could go much deeper.

'Sticking point'

While the emissions issue has been well flagged, the preclusion of emissions goal revisions for a decade and the absence of provisions for failing coal plants being withdrawn are emerging as new issues.


Revising the plan initially only after 10 years "seems to be a change", Mr Rattenbury said. "That will be another sticking-point [in winning ACT approval]."


The Turnbull government's target of August 10 for approval of the NEG may be challenging, not least because complex design issues remain unresolved. Some Federal Coalition backbench MPs are also convinced the plan favours renewables over coal.

“The Commonwealth continues to work with the Energy Security Board (ESB) and the states and territories in finalising the [NEG] in the lead-up to the COAG Energy Council meeting in August,” Mr Frydenberg said, declining to comment on specific concerns.

The plan does not anticipate sudden exits of a coal-fired power station, Mr Rattenbury said. He described that absence as "an inherent flaw".

"We've seen the impact from Hazelwood" on triggering a spike in electricity prices, he said. The brown coal-fired power station gave just six months' notice of its closure in March 2017, and other plants have also shut abruptly.

Hazelwood power station's sudden closure in March 2017 sent wholesale electricity prices soaring.

Hazelwood power station's sudden closure in March 2017 sent wholesale electricity prices soaring.Credit: John Donegan

'Pipe dream'

The likelihood of further withdrawals is increasing said Salim Mazouz, a principal at consultancy NCEconomics.

"As renewable energy's share increases, coal-fired power stations will have to load-follow more and more, ramping output up and down, and increasing the wear and tear on equipment," he said.

A notice period of three years for planned exits, as the ESB is now consulting on, "is a pipe dream", Mr Mazouz said.

Regulators will struggle to come up with penalities that would force an operator to spend possibly hundreds of millions of dollars to repair a failed boiler. "You can't have a stick", and so a three-year notice period would have little meaning, he said.

Dylan McConnell, a researcher at Melbourne University's Climate and Energy College, said new technical papers released on Friday also don't appear to address exits - planned or otherwise.

"Without a doubt, the biggest challenge to reliability is the unexpected closure or withdrawal of a large coal generator at short notice," Mr McConnell said.

As Mr McConnell noted in a joint submission on the NEG's design:

"If anything, the risk of sudden exit is rising as the coal plant fleet is ageing, the economics of coal plants is deteriorating and coal plants are increasingly load following, putting equipment under additional stress. Also, the effects of additional closures at short notice is likely to be more pronounced, at least in the short term, given the reduced capacity margins after the closure of the Hazelwood, [and South Australia's] Northern and Playford power stations."

Mark Butler, Federal Labor's climate spokesman, said the opposition was "still studying the latest details of the NEG design and engaging with stakeholders".

"The current emissions targets will completely strangle jobs and investment in renewable energy, and will not support one single large project for the entirety of the 2020s - pushing costs up and jeopardising reliability as old coal generators continue to fail," he said.

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