This was published 9 years ago
Greens back 1.5-degree warming limit, turning up heat on Labor, Coalition
By Peter Hannam
The Australian Greens have endorsed calls by Pacific Island nations for a climate treaty limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, putting further distance between its policies and those of the Turnbull government and the Labor Opposition.
The move comes as the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) revealed carbon-dioxide levels reached another annual record in 2014, continuing a "relentless rise", according to its chief Michel Jarraud.
Greens say Australia must back an aggressive climate policy for the sake of at-risk Pacific nations.Credit: Justin McManus
The national conference of the Greens over the weekend voted unanimously to back efforts to stabilise global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, a more ambitious target than the 2-degree limit agreed at the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference and supported by Australia's Labor and Coalition governments.
"Every temperature rise above 1.5 degrees is very dangerous, because tipping points like the collapse of the Greenland Ice Sheet or the thawing of the permafrost become even more likely," Larissa Waters, the Greens deputy leader, told Fairfax Media.
A coral outcrop on the Great Barrier Reef.
"Two degrees of average warming would wipe out almost 100 per cent of all coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef, and it would be a catastrophe for our Pacific Island neighbours."
The Greens' shift from a 2-degree goal comes a week after Labor leader Bill Shorten visited the South Pacific to highlight the challenges of rising sea levels and other climate change-related threats to nations such as Vanuatu and the Marshall Islands.
Mr Shorten said during the trip that while the Opposition respected Pacific nations' push for a 1.5-degree limit, "Labor is committed to policies that will see Australia do our part to try to restrain temperature increase up to two degrees".
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has stuck to the emissions reduction targets of his predecessor, Tony Abbott. These are to cut the 2000-level pollution 19 per cent by 2030 or 26-28 per cent when based on 2005 levels.
While among the largest cuts on a per-capita basis, they would still leave Australia as the largest polluter per person among rich nations, The Climate Institute said.
"Malcolm Turnbull is sticking with some of the world's worst pollution reduction targets, and just like Tony Abbott, is planning to betray our Pacific Island neighbours by doubling Australian coal exports," Richard Di Natale, the Greens leader, said.
The Greens are sticking by their long-standing position for a ban on new or expanded coal mines.
The 1.5-degree goal is consistent with the party's previous announced targets for Australia to cut 2000-level emissions 60-80 per cent by 2030 and for net-zero pollution by 2040, Senator Waters said.
"By contrast, Labor haven't yet proposed any targets and the Coalition's targets and [its submission to the Paris climate summit this month] lock in well over 2-degrees of warming and close the window for stabilising at 1.5 degrees," she said.
Pep Canadell, executive director of CSIRO's Global Carbon Project, said the world is already running out of time to limit global warming to just 2 degrees - let alone 1.5 degrees.
"If you want to be sure [of reaching that 1.5-degree target] you have almost nothing left" in terms of a carbon budget to burn, Dr Canadell said.
Record CO2 levels
The WMO on Monday said CO2 levels averaged 397.7 parts per million, up 1.9 ppm on a year earlier.
"We will soon be living with globally averaged CO2 levels above 400 parts per million as a permanent reality," Mr Jarraud said.
"Every year we say that time is running out," he said. "We have to act now to slash greenhouse gas emissions if we are to have a chance to keep the increase in temperatures to manageable levels."
According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the additional greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since 1990 have a "total radiative forcing" of 36 per cent, up 1.2 percentage points in 2014 alone. The CO2-equivalent forcing corresponds to 481 ppm, WMO said.
The task of curbing emissions - and CO2 levels - has even got harder in the past couple of months with vast fires in Indonesia producing as much as 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, or roughly triple Australia's total annual emission.
While the El Nino has influenced drought conditions, the fires are the result of people using fire as a cheap way to clear land - which is the equivalent of as much as 15 per cent of annual global emissions going up in smoke, Dr Canadell said.