

This was published 1 year ago

Keep digging, but no drilling: Australia called to net-zero arms race

By Peter Milne

Australia needs to quickly ramp up the production of critical minerals for the world to avoid the worst outcomes of global heating but the door has shut on new gas projects or coal mines, according to the International Energy Agency.

Divergent paths for Australia’s resource sector are the inevitable result of a “narrow but still achievable” path to net-zero emissions in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook released on Thursday.

BHP’s Mt Arthur mine is one of Australia’s biggest thermal coal mines.

BHP’s Mt Arthur mine is one of Australia’s biggest thermal coal mines.Credit: Janie Barrett

For the first time, the IEA is predicting that global demand for all fossil fuels will peak or plateau by the mid-2030s under current policy settings.

IEA executive director Fatih Birol said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had changed the energy outlook for decades to come.

“The energy world is shifting dramatically before our eyes,” Birol said.

“The environmental case for clean energy needed no reinforcement, but the economic arguments in favour of cost-competitive and affordable clean technologies are now stronger – and so too is the energy security case.”

There is no need for any new coal mines or mine life extensions in the IEA’s scenario to achieve net-zero emissions.

There is no need for any new coal mines or mine life extensions in the IEA’s scenario to achieve net-zero emissions.Credit:

Even under governments’ current stated policies, that would allow the globe to heat by 2.5 degrees by 2050, the energy agency predicts an end to growth for all three fossil fuels. Coal demand would start declining in a few years, gas use plateau late this decade and oil consumption level off in the mid-2030s.

However, if action is taken to limit global heating to the Paris Agreement goal of 1.5 degrees, the future of fossil fuels is even bleaker.


The agency reiterated its 2021 call for no new oil and gas fields to be developed to achieve net-zero emissions despite supply disruptions from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. New projects would take too long to fill the supply gap and the Paris-based agency instead suggests investments to extract oil and gas more quickly from existing fields.

The stance is a blow to the environmental credentials of Woodside’s Browse gas fields off Western Australia, Santos’ Narrabri project in NSW and the development of the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory.

The war in Ukraine has damaged other gas producer marketing points, with the agency now predicting reduced gas use on the road to net zero due to it being considered as less affordable and secure than 12 months ago.

There is also no need for any new coal mines or mine life extensions in the agency’s scenario to achieve net-zero emissions as it predicts production of coal for power generation would fall by 50 per cent this decade and coking coal demand shrink by 30 per cent.

The future for Australia’s fossil fuel exports is mixed if the world fails to rein in global heating.

Gas would continue to fetch current high prices in China and Japan for several decades if governments do no more than their stated policies and the world heats by 2.5 degrees while a path to net zero sees those prices halve.

However, coal prices in the two major export markets would drop by more than a third this decade under stated policies and halve if governments increased their policy response to match their announced pledges and constrain global heating to 1.7 degrees by 2100.


A path to net zero is painful for two major exports but, overall, Australian workers could win from the transition. The agency predicts the effort required to meet the Paris Agreement goal requires the global energy sector workforce of 65 million to rise to 90 million by 2030 with a 40-million-strong clean energy sector more than compensating for a loss in fossil fuel jobs.

To achieve net zero, all countries will be busy installing renewables, building transmission systems and electrifying energy consumption such as heating and cars. Australia will play a major role in mining the materials to electrify the world, and making hydrogen for when electricity is unsuitable.

To achieve net zero, annual lithium production must increase 50 times by 2050, nickel 12 times, graphite nine times and cobalt six times.

As the world moved from the current unreliable and volatile fossil fuel-based system, the agency’s executive director Fatih Birol said it needed to avoid similar problems in highly concentrating supply chains for clean energy and these critical minerals.

Much of the extraction of critical minerals now occurs where there are significant environmental and human rights concerns. China dominates the processing of many of the minerals, giving Australia a competitive advantage in attracting new investment.

The agency warned that investment in new mines needed to increase quickly and significantly as while a battery factory could be built in two years, developing a new mine took much longer.

For applications that cannot be electrified such as high heat for industry and long-distance shipping, under the International Energy Agency’s net-zero scenario, annual demand for hydrogen would rise to 180 million tonnes by 2030.

By then, Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue plans to be producing 15 million tonnes a year of green hydrogen (“green” as it would separate the gas from water using renewable energy).


The agency also includes so-called blue hydrogen (made using gas, with much of the carbon dioxide emissions produced captured and stored), in its planning.

Most hydrogen is likely to be produced near where it is used as it is expensive and difficult to transport, but the agency predicts Australia will be the dominant player in international trade.

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