

This was published 2 years ago

‘Band-Aid on a broken leg’: Experts say Great Barrier Reef plan won’t save it

By Nick O'Malley

Expert reaction to the federal government’s commitment to spend $1 billion on the Great Barrier Reef over the next decade has been remarkably consistent: the funding is welcome but will do nothing to save the reef from its existential threat, climate change.

“The worry is that it is a billion dollar band-aid,” World Wildlife Fund Australia head of oceans Richard Leck said of Friday’s announcement.

Coral bleaching on Lizard Island.

Coral bleaching on Lizard Island.Credit:

Distinguished Professor of Biology at Macquarie University Professor Lesley Hughes, an ecologist and member of the Climate Council, described the package as a “band-aid on a broken leg”.

Associate Professor Jodie Rummer, a researcher in Marine Biology at James Cook University, noted that at 1.2 degrees of global warming the Great Barrier Reef has already suffered three marine heatwaves within five years. This has led to mass coral bleaching and mortality across 98 per cent of the 2300km reef.

“Yet, we are barrelling toward warming of more than 2 degrees, which will be fatal for coral reefs and the organisms – including the humans – that depend on them. We need to do more, faster, to cut emissions this decade.”

The Australian Marine Conservation Society water quality expert Jaimi Webster agreed, saying that while the funding would help tackle local threats, “it does not address climate change – the greatest threat to our reef”.

“Investment in both local threats and the climate crisis is essential if we are to ensure the reef remains for many generations to come.”

The package’s critics say the government is failing the reef by maintaining a comparatively low emission reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent by 2030, and in its support for fossil fuel projects, while spending money on important but secondary threats to the reef.


The largest portion of the funding – $570 million – will go to improving water quality by reducing runoff from industry and agriculture. This can promote algae growth which are a crucial source of food for the destructive crown of thorns starfish.


Mr Leck said even if the government was able to end the pollution, it would not save the reef nor prolong its life.

On Green Island, just off Cairns, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was asked if the commitment was “too little too late” and whether a net zero emissions by 2030 target should be set.

“Well, we committed to net zero by 2050, and we reduced emissions by over 20 per cent. Our government’s put $2 billion already into world-leading management of this Reef, and now we’ve put another billion in,” Mr Morrison told reporters.

“And so I’d say to those that they need to keep up with just how much we’re doing.”

Global coral cover is forecast to decline by 95 per cent at 2 degrees of warming, and 70 per cent under 1.5 degrees. Scientists believe the world is likely to breach 1.5 degrees sometime after 2030 even if we make immediate and drastic cuts to emissions, which would at least stabilise the climate late-century.

Credit: Matt Golding

Though Australia is experiencing a cool La Nina weather pattern, satellites show the water over the reef has been at record high temperatures since January. Scientists fear significant bleaching could strike the northern parts of the reef within weeks unless storms cool the waters.

Asked by ABC Radio National if the government should increase its 2030 emission reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent, Environment Minister Sussan Ley said Australia was acting to curb emissions, but it could not address climate change alone.


“Implicit in that question is a suggestion that Australia’s emissions are the only emissions that are responsible for the state of the reef and that’s clearly not the case,” she said.

“So internationally, we’re playing our part. Obviously, we can’t influence the emissions from the big emitters, and we know who they are.”

Mr Leck said Australia must lead on climate if it expects global support.

“If the Australian government wants to act to protect our reef, then it is going to have to lead by example,” he said.

“To think that they’re going to rely on the rest of the world to protect our reef while we’re not prepared to take the action on climate that’s required to do that, it’s not going to happen.”

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