This was published 3 years ago
Anjali Sharma breaking new ground in climate fight
By Miki Perkins
Anjali Sharma, 16, and her litigation guardian Sister Brigid Arthur, 86.Credit: Justin McManus
Anjali Sharma’s concern for the environment, her family and future generations is fuelling the 16-year-old student’s anti-coal mining legal charge that could have national implications.
While juggling her studies in year 11 at Huntingtower School, in Mount Waverley, she is also the lead claimant in a court battle with the Australian government.
With seven other teenagers from four different states, Sharma is taking part in a landmark class action that began in the Federal Court in Melbourne on Tuesday.
The group is challenging the federal Minister for the Environment, Sussan Ley, to protect young people from climate change and the future harms of coal mining.
The case is a response to a proposal by Whitehaven Coal to extend its Vickery coal mine in NSW. The expansion of the mine could lead to an extra 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide – about 20 per cent of Australia’s annual climate footprint – being released into the atmosphere.
But the implications of a win would be far broader. If successful, the case could set a national legal precedent to stop government approval of new fossil fuel projects because of their potential to harm future generations.
Whitehaven has said the legal claim has no merit and should be dismissed, and Minister Ley’s office declined to comment while the matter was before the courts.
The teenagers are being supported by Sister Brigid Arthur, an 86-year-old Brigidine nun and former teacher, who is their “litigation guardian” because they are under 18.
Who is she?
Born in India, Sharma and her family moved to Australia when she was 10-months-old. As long as she can remember, she has always been passionate about the environment.
Teenage activists Anjali (left) and Izzy.Credit: Joe Benke
Growing up, Sharma heard about global warming and decided to seek more information than was available at primary school by watching Youtube videos.
It was tough: she remembers a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach when she watched one video that warned there were only eight years before global temperatures reached a tipping point, which would trigger irreversible changes to the world she lived in.
“It made me so incredibly scared,” she says. “I used to deal with so much climate anxiety and fear, thinking, ‘Wow, we are one day closer to that deadline’.”
Sharma’s relatives in India are farmers who live near Lucknow, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Through the family grapevine the young girl heard stories of how the monsoon season was becoming weaker and later in the year, leaving some of her relatives with little income. It dawned on her what climate change would mean for people the world over, who rely on a stable climate for their livelihoods. But the connection between changing weather patterns and global warming were rarely explicitly made, she says.
“Growing up in Australia I consider myself really fortunate,” she says. “I got an education that helped me make sense of what was happening.”
What did she do?
Making sense of it didn’t make her grief and anger over climate change any easier to bear. So Sharma started an Instagram account, gained 12,000 followers, and spent a year - in her words - “ranting about climate change”. She discovered her concerns were shared by many teenagers, particularly after the unprecedented bushfires in the summer of 2020 and pall of smoke that cloaked the country for weeks.
“It wasn’t just a pretty sunset - the air quality was horrible and people were struggling to breathe. It really woke people up to how crazy insane a problem this is,” she says.
Instagram activism evolved into in-person campaigning and Sharma joined the Greta Thunberg-inspired School Strike for Climate movement. Through it she became part of an organising group of about 500 other students who marshalled a series of climate action marches, attended by hundreds of thousands of students across Australia.
It was through School Strike for Climate that solicitors at Melbourne firm Equity Generation Lawyers found the eight teenagers who would join the litigation it had been preparing. They include Izzy Raj-Seppings, then 13, who was threatened with police arrest for taking part in a climate change protest outside Kirribilli House.
Izzy Raj-Seppings, 13, is led away from the protest in December 2019 at Kirribilli House after police issue a move on order.
Why is it important?
Holding an Environment Minister to account by saying they have a climate-related duty of care is a novel approach that has not been tested in Australia, and would chart new ground if successful.
Globally, climate-related legal challenges are becoming more frequent. In 2019 the Dutch Supreme Court made a decision that found a country’s inadequate action on climate change could violate human rights.
The court imposed a legally-binding target on the government; that it reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 per cent on 1990 levels by the end of 2020.
Sharma’s case was heard in the Federal Court in Melbourne this week, with a decision expected in coming months.
Sharma was only able to attend the first day of the hearing, because she had school. “I really hope they come to the conclusion that coal is not the path that can carry Australia on to a safer future.”