

This was published 14 years ago

Abbott warns ETS will take Australians to the cleaners

Opposition leader Tony Abbott wants to ram home the message that the Rudd government's emissions trading scheme will take small business to the cleaners.

He headed to the NSW town of Queanbeyan today to meet Jason Webb, the owner of a dry-cleaning franchise that the coalition says will suffer because of soaring power costs under the ETS.

Member for Dunkley Bruce Billson and opposition leader Tony Abbott during a visit to the Bells Foxy Dry Cleaners in Queanbeyan owned by Jason Webb, right.

Member for Dunkley Bruce Billson and opposition leader Tony Abbott during a visit to the Bells Foxy Dry Cleaners in Queanbeyan owned by Jason Webb, right.Credit: Glen McCurtayne

The Coalition reckons small operators will barely be left with the shirts on their backs because they won't be compensated under the ETS.

And Mr Abbott - with media in tow - was willing to iron his first shirt under the tutelage of Mr Webb to push that message.

Voters will be hoping his form with policy - the Coalition's alternative to the ETS is a direct action scheme - is better than his handling with the iron.

The opposition leader struggled with his collars and cuffs as he reminded housewives that under the ETS they'd be paying more in power bills every time they picked up their iron.

It took him a while to remember men did the ironing too and he expanded his warning to include them.

Talking to reporters later he couldn't rule out that an ETS, which he labels a "great big tax", would not ever form part of Coalition policy.

"I've said many times before that if the whole world changes, we'll change with them but the world ain't going to change," Mr Abbott said.


"This is the plan for the foreseeable future.

"We've said that we will review our plan in 2015 in light of what was happening in the rest of the world and in light of what is happening with climate change science and so on."

His predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull, certainly believes that an ETS is the best possible solution to climate change - and it needs to be introduced now.

In a passionate speech to Parliament, watched by Liberal colleagues Joe Hockey, Petro Georgiou and Russell Broadbent, the former party leader said the Rudd government's proposed ETS was a "balanced, substantive and timely" step forward.


He reiterated he would cross the floor to vote with the government.

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