

This was published 7 years ago

Whose idea was it to move the Powerhouse Museum in the first place?

By Nick O'Malley and Linda Morris

Moving the Powerhouse Museum is a bold idea that touches upon everything that makes Sydney the city it is – huge wads of cash, sprawling plots of prime city real estate, developers, consultants, intrigue and political infighting.

Depending on who you listen to it is a plan that could suck in $1.5 billion for little or no benefit or one that almost pays for itself; it could destroy one of the nation's largest museums or revitalise it and spur the rebirth of Parramatta as a western Sydney CBD and cultural hub.

The fears held by critics of Powerhouse move appear to have been vindicated.

The fears held by critics of Powerhouse move appear to have been vindicated. Credit: Dallas Kilponen

You might think then, that it would not be too hard to find out whose idea it actually was in the first place. You would be wrong.

This week as the Upper House held yet another hearing into the Berejiklian government's determination to move the Powerhouse, it became clear there is no guarantee that the end result will be a better museum, and indeed no complete business case to justify the move in the first place.

The hearing was told that a report into the move by the council's consultants, Deloitte Economics, warned that any design for a museum could be compromised if visitors numbers were less than predicted.

The fears held by critics of the move – that the new structure might be equal parts shopping mall, office tower and museum – appeared to have been vindicated.

The proposed new location for the Powerhouse is along the Parramatta River.

The proposed new location for the Powerhouse is along the Parramatta River.Credit: Louise Kennerley

To understand how we got here – to the point where a government is ready to abandon a purpose-built museum on an historically significant site just 30 years after it was opened without anyone quite knowing why – you have to go back to 2014.

In November that year, the idea was first mentioned in a government document entitled "State Infrastructure Strategy Update". It recommended the government "urgently consider relocation of the Powerhouse Museum to the Parramatta Cultural Precinct".


Asked this week whose idea it was that the government urgently consider such a move, Arts Minister Don Harwin told Fairfax Media that he did not know. It was, he noted, made before his time.

One story that did the rounds was that the director of another museum, raised the plan with then-premier Mike Baird.

"It's a thought bubble," the prominent businessman and Powerhouse supporter Trevor Kennedy told Fairfax Media in 2015. "It was cooked up over a campfire between Mike Baird and MCA director Elizabeth Ann MacGregor during a camping trip. I don't think they have any idea about what's involved."

MacGregor, a cultural ambassador for western Sydney, vehemently denied the suggestion at the time, saying there was no campfire discussions about the Powerhouse's future on the charity walk to assist disadvantaged children.

When you push further, the evidence suggests that the idea of moving the Powerhouse might have been inadvertently prompted by the museum's own leadership.

Earlier in 2014 the board signed off on a strategic plan that included, it is understood, a claim for $350 million in funding for a "regeneration" of the Powerhouse's 30-year-old buildings.

The plan sought government approval to raise $150 million from selling or leasing air rights over the collection storage building, the Harwood building.

The museum asked government for a further $200 million to reconfigure its current location so it could comply with the exhibition and security standards of international and national lending institutions and show more of its world class exhibits.

The Powerhosue Museum is rapidly taking shape at Ultimo in 1986.

The Powerhosue Museum is rapidly taking shape at Ultimo in 1986.Credit: Robert Pearce

The bid was progressing in a positive fashion when the Baird government, determined to show its concern to residents of key western Sydney seats, conceived the idea that it could move the entire museum to Parramatta, and pay for the move by selling the Ultimo site for development.

Suddenly the Powerhouse board, hoping for improvements and expansion, found its museum in the firing line.

Nobody doubts western Sydney is not deserving of a world-class cultural institution, nor that the arts and cultural funding split has not disadvantaged a region that one in 10 Australians call home.

Western Sydney receives about 5 per cent of available cultural funding from the state government, compared to 87 per cent directed to east Sydney.

It's rare for an arts, dance or theatre group in western Sydney to be not paying market rent on performance space and existing hand-to-mouth on government grants and subsidies, says artist David Capra, a spokesperson for the Western Sydney Arts and Cultural Lobby.

The problem with the government's proposal, says Lindsay Sharp, the founding director of the Powerhouse and a world-recognised expert in museum development, is that it was made before taking expert advice.

Moving museums, he says, is far harder and more expensive than moving art galleries, especially when the proposed new site is by a river on a floodplain.

The Powerhouse and its vast collection cannot be held on smaller the Parramatta site he says, and even if it was, moving huge and priceless artifacts would be prohibitively risky and costly.

The footprint of the riverbank site (20,160 sq m), according to the Powerhouse, is smaller than the Ultimo site (22,900 sq m).

Because the proposed site is prone to flooding, the main exhibition spaces, the museum's collection of huge transport, industrial and engineering items and any conservation laboratories would need to be placed on upper floors above the one-in-100-year flood level. Per international museum best practice, they may need to go above the one-in-500 year flood zone.

At a time of rising tides and temperature, major international museums and galleries are managing for the risks of a once-in-a-lifetime storm, erecting watertight doors to loading docks and temporary flood barriers and such exigencies may need to be incorporated on site.

"How can you put Locomotive No. 1 and train above the floodline?" asks Sharp. "That's 100 tonnes probably five or six stories up. The engineering is heroic."

Foundations of the new museum will need to be driven deep into the mud and silt to reach bedrock.

"How can you put Locomotive No.1 and train above the floodline?" asks Lindsay Sharp.

"How can you put Locomotive No.1 and train above the floodline?" asks Lindsay Sharp.Credit: Dallas Kilponen

Historic St George's Terrace, a shop row located at 44-56 Phillip Street, as well as Willow Grove, a rare mid-Victorian house and garden once a private hospital known as Estella or Nurse Davidson's Private Hospital, would either need to be demolished – the minister has not ruled this option out – or integrated into the design at cost.

"That's a great start for museum – demolishing more of what is left of Parramatta's heritage," says Sharp.

All this is not impossible to engineer but adoption of any expensive mitigations increase the project's complexity and costs.

The new Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences was already at a budget of $600 million to $800 million when consultant architect Joe Agius carried out preliminary work in 2016.

When you add to the cost of a museum shell, display environments, parking, warehouses and extra capital expenditure for flood mitigation next to the river to the sunk cost of the existing purpose-built museum and inflation over the life the project, "you are not going to get much change out of $1.5 billion", Sharp told Fairfax Media this week.

Gladys Berejiklian and Mike Baird.

Gladys Berejiklian and Mike Baird.Credit: Ben Rushton

To be done properly, architect Philip Thalis, no fan of the project, says the build was looming as one of the most expensive government projects in the state. Ever.

This is far in excess of the $200 or $300 million the government is understood to have been considering when the project was first mooted.

It is impossible to reconcile the various costings today because the government will not reveal how much it expects to raise selling the Ultimo site, or how much it has already spent on the Parramatta site.

One of the biggest supporters of a relocated Powerhouse, David Borger, Western Sydney director of the Sydney Business Chamber, concedes that room may need to be made on the riverbank site for commercial office space.

The Museum of Modern Art in the Rockefeller Centre is cited by Borger as a prime example where cultural expansion has been funded by commercial redevelopment.

However third-party occupants require separate foyers, car parking and fire separation, reducing the potential for display and storage space.

Even if the Powerhouse's priceless collection was relocated to the Powerhouse's Discovery Centre at Castle Hill, Sharp thinks space will need to be purchased from the TAFE campus next door.

One alternative to the riverbank site, supported by local heritage advocates, is to rehouse a satellite of the Powerhouse at the Fleet Street Heritage precinct marrying the restoration of the Francis Greenway-designed Female Factory – the oldest Australian female convict site, in desperate need of preservation – and the Cumberland Hospital with a gallery, theatre and museum precinct.

But the parkland site was long ago ruled out by a preliminary business study, since shrouded in secrecy, because of its relative distance from Church Street and poor public transport links.

Such a build faces the same heritage constraints as Ultimo and Urban Growth NSW has plans to build an adjacent commercial centre and 4100 residential apartments of up to 30-storeys.

For Professor Barney Glover and the nine-member Powerhouse Board its original conditional support for a stand-alone, fit-for-purpose building on the old David Jones Parramatta car park with greater capacity for display seems fit only for compromise.

In its latest public pronouncements the board referred to the idea of one institution with four campuses. The Tate has four museums in the United Kingdom, and the Smithsonian in the US has 19 museums and galleries.

The Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo.

The Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo. Credit: Louise Kennerley

Meanwhile the government's political opponents are punishing it for what appears to have been a hasty decision.

The upper house inquiry has now called for the former premier, Mike Baird and former arts minister Troy Grant to appear, as well as Premier Gladys Berejiklian herself. Hearings are expected to bleed into next year.

Labor MP Walt Secord said the government appeared to be wedded to secrecy over the business plan while cost projections appeared to be spiralling out of control.

Nonetheless, a Labor figure said this week that the party would savagely punish any backdown on the move. Western Sydney, he said, already had the longest hospital wait times and terrible traffic, it was going to get a world-class museum, no matter what it was.

This would appear to be one reason the government cannot adopt one of the solutions put forward – capitalising on parts of the Ultimo campus, improving the existing museum and creating another campus of the museum at Parramatta.

At Ultimo the government faces the choice to either demolish the Powerhouse building which in 1988 won the Australian Institute of Architects NSW chapter's highest honour, the Sulman Medal, and is on the institute's own Register of Significant Buildings, or redevelop the plaza and auction off airspace to the highest bidder.

Why not says Sharp, regenerate the Powerhouse for around $150 million over six to eight years and build Parramatta as a science and technology satellite?

Museums are places of tourism, curiosity and edutainment; repositories, too, of our past treasures and science and technology labs of our future.

But they are expensive beasts to runs, their exhibitions and facilities needing constant renewal and government subsidies to fund their day-to-day operations. A new cultural institution for western Sydney was considered by Treasury out of the question.

Despite its location on the edge of Darling Harbour and some wonderful drawcard exhibitions visitor numbers are flatlining at the Powerhouse, not helped by public confusion over the move.

Which is why arts minister Harwin is adamant the new Powerhouse should sit in the heart of the Parramatta CBD, and the government shows little interest in a dedicated museum that tells local stories of Sydney's Indigenous, convict and migrant history.

Themed museums like a migration and heritage centre don't get the repeat visits, the minister insists. A cultural institution that showcases the ingenuity of mankind and features a learning centre that brings in the schools of western Sydney does.

NSW Arts Minister Don Harwin.

NSW Arts Minister Don Harwin.Credit: AAP

Even arts bodies supportive of the Powerhouse shift to Parramatta warn it is no instant fix.

Parramatta is not western Sydney, a provincial sprawl of several cities spanning Campbelltown to the south and Windsor-Richmond to the north.

No matter what the Powerhouse looks like, Capra says the new museum must also reflect the diverse community it lives among.


"For any institution to thrive it must understand its audience and place making and a lot of work has to be done on the ground to connect with the community,' he says.

"We worry that once the Powerhouse is relocated to Parramatta it will be a big tick and that's all the government feels it needs to do when there are so many other incredible existing organisations to support."

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