

This was published 9 years ago

What's on TV Tuesday: The Killing Season

By Ben Pobjie

Politicians lie. Everybody knows that. The tendency to distrust politicians is one of the most deeply ingrained in the human psyche, second only to the tendency to assume a politician is telling the truth as soon as they say something we like.

It is a fairly well-accepted fact that when a politician has a chance to gain personal advantage through mendacity, they will grab hold of that chance with a grip of iron and lie as hard and as often as necessary, for as long as it takes to emerge triumphant atop a pile of bloodied and recklessly honest corpses.

Great divide: Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

Great divide: Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

It would be too much to hope that in The Killing Season (ABC1, 8.30pm), the main players were going to put aside the shameless truth-torturing that was their stock in trade while in office to give a fair and balanced account of the years of Labor government from 2007 to 2013. They may have no electoral advantage to gain by lying now, but Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard are in a savage, tooth-and-nail battle to establish themselves as the true writers of history, and anything they say on screen must be viewed through that somewhat grubby prism.

The Killing Season is, as they say, good TV, in the same way that Breaking Bad or Seinfeld was good TV: slickly produced, deftly edited and brimming with salacious promise, razor-sharp ABC journo Sarah Ferguson's magnum opus is a compelling human drama, reminiscent of Shakespeare or Sophocles or whatever great tragedian is your reference of choice. It illuminates the palace intrigues of the Rudd-Gillard years, and the ferocious, flawed personalities at its centre, with admirable precision – you couldn't ask for more in a dissection of catastrophic internal party brawls. What it doesn't illuminate, of course, is the national interest, the quality of governance in the Labor years, or any sense of politics as a means to anything but the accumulation of personal power and self-congratulation by those involved. Much like political parties themselves, the program deals with questions of policy almost reluctantly, scanning them for their impact on careers rather than country. But that is its brief, and it does it beautifully. Last week we saw the early euphoria of the Rudd years; this week we're treated to the meat of the story — the dissatisfaction leading up to the 2010 election that saw a first-term PM knifed, and started the whole sorry house of cards fluttering to the floor.

If you'd rather a less dysfunctional view of human relationships, Married At First Sight (Nine, 9.40pm) is happy to oblige, with its (snigger) "fascinating social experiment". It's really just an old-fashioned dating show dressed up with counsellors and fake weddings to look like something far more offensive, but I suppose you've got to admire the effort they put in to convince you they're being scandalous.

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