

This was published 8 years ago

The Verdict recap: Mark Latham admits to being behind trolling Twitter account

By Neil McMahon

The Verdict, week two: the rulings are as follows.

Mark Latham: guilty on two counts - one of behaving like Mark Latham as a general rule; and another, reluctantly admitted on Thursday night, of being the mysterious Twitter troll also known as @RealMarkLatham, who had made disparaging remarks to Rosie Batty, Catherine McGregor and other prominent women. Mark Latham, the court concluded, was pretty much a law unto himself - and continually in breach of it.

Karl Stefanovic: no conviction recorded and free on a good behaviour bond amid signs of genuine remorse for last week's crimes. But he will continue with his early morning community work for perhaps a little longer than he'd hoped.

And The Verdict itself? Far from perfect but certainly better - there were signs of rehabilitation, as well there needed to be if witnesses are to banish last week's delinquency from their minds.

Mark Latham admitted to running a strange, trolling Twitter account on The Verdict.

Mark Latham admitted to running a strange, trolling Twitter account on The Verdict.Credit: Screenshot, The Verdict, Nine Network

Wisely, Stefanovic 'fessed up right at the start - a little ungraciously, but it was a confession nonetheless. "I want to start with this, I copped a fair bit of blame, I think unfairly, for not keeping you all in line," he admonished his panellists. "We've learned our lesson. That's not going to happen this week. If you talk over each other, you'll go straight to the naughty corner."

This was a promise there'd be no repeat of the premiere episode's free-for-all shout-fest, a very good promise to make and even better to keep. Alas, it was not also a promise that there'd be no repeat of Mark Latham. On The Verdict as in our national life, there's no getting rid of the man and he was there in position, itching for Karl to start and itching for a brawl.

He didn't wait long. Refugee campaigner Julian Burnside was a guest panelist, and a man comprised of such erudition and gently spoken humanity that he was an obvious target for the Latham tongue, which wrapped itself around these choice words:

"What sort of animal are you, to advocate people drowning."

Karl Stefanovic kept a tighter rein on panellists in this week's show.

Karl Stefanovic kept a tighter rein on panellists in this week's show.

Here we go, thought the jury at home.

Oh no we don't, thought the chastened Stefanovic, who quickly remonstrated with his resident head-kicker.

Stefanovic in an exchange with Julian Burnside on Thursday night's program.

Stefanovic in an exchange with Julian Burnside on Thursday night's program.Credit: Screenshot from The Verdict, Nine Network

Stefanovic: "Mark, if we can not get personal."

Latham: "It is personal when people drown."

Burnside: "I don't mind if he gets personal."

It was a surprise but clever tactic: when the bully comes at you, roll your eyes and tell him: "Do your worst."

Latham was surely thinking about it, but in the end he was stopped in his tracks himself. When the debate turned to social media, Stefanovic delivered the most memorable moment of the program's short life by pushing Latham on his own social media activity.

Was he, Stefanovic asked, behind a notorious trolling Twitter account that eventually saw him resign from The Australian Financial Review? The account had used disparaging terms to describe McGregor, who is transgender, and targeted domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty, among other things. When Buzzfeed revealed Latham was likely behind the account, he Tweeted a bizarre denial, claiming to be "Lathos (sic) mate from school".

Confronted about @TheRealMarkLatham account, the real Mark Latham went the dodge with a rambling answer that neither confirmed nor denied it.

Stefanovic pressed: "Was the real Mark Latham @TheRealMarkLatham."

And then he did it. Just as we were about to enter a television black hole listening to a perpetual recital of Mark Latham's name, the man himself put his hands up: "100 per cent. I'm here."

It looked like a confession and it sounded like a confession ... but it was probably silly to expect Mark Latham to give us a confirmation quack-quack. His next answer, about whether the Twitter account prompted his sacking, was a masterpiece of evasion. But it didn't matter: he was already totally plucked.

He will, however, be back for more next week. The Verdict ploughs on - perhaps still trying to work out what the point of itself is, but at least having made an improvement on its disastrous debut.

It was tighter; Stefanovic had a firmer hand; the pointless audience question segment was gone; and a one-on-one interview portion in the middle was vastly better as actress Miranda Tapsell shared her confronting memories of growing up black in Australia.

It still doesn't sit completely comfortably with the rest of the program, and other things still niggled. Campbell Brown is handsome and charming and a bit of a dill, let's be frank. And the bells-and-whistles announcement of "the verdict' at the end is pointless and really very naff. Brown brings a whiff of The Footy Show; the "verdict" hoopla brings the air of a game show. Losing both would be an improvement.

But first come Friday's ratings, and at Nine all eyes will be on those viewer numbers after the first round flop. Then it's back to the drawing board and back for fresh judgement next week. In TV land, unlike the courtroom, double jeopardy doesn't apply - you can be charged with the same crime twice. But on the evidence of Thursday night, The Verdict might just manage to avoid that fate.

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