

This was published 6 years ago

The chaos of the Trump era could be a reality show, says podcaster Matt Bevan

By Peter Wells

Like many of us, ABC Radio National journalist Matthew Bevan is enthralled by the ongoing scandals of the Trump presidency. Late last year, Bevan pitched the idea for a book, a sort of Dummies Guide to the Mueller Investigation, but couldn't get any takers. Instead, the ABC encouraged Bevan to turn his passion project into the podcast Russia, If You're Listening.

"In hindsight, I'm incredibly glad it played out this way. Podcasting is a fantastic medium for telling complicated stories." says Bevan.

Matt Bevan.

Matt Bevan.

"I have two kids and a big workload with this podcast at the moment, which really has meant that I have very little time for reading books, but podcasting is something you can do while cooking, driving and walking – it's really become my preferred medium as a media consumer, and I'm incredibly happy to be part of it as a storyteller as well."

Bevan relies on the voices of Trump, Manafort, Bannon and other key players to tell the story.

"Most of the characters involved have hours of on-the-record comments which can be used to string a narrative together … You can publish quotations in a book, but to hear the person themselves say the words in their own voice is incredibly powerful."

I asked Bevan about his production schedule, and if there was an anxiety in producing a podcast around a story that seemed to change daily.

"I do a first draft of each episode about a month before we publish it, but we don't actually record the piece and finalise it until a couple of days before the deadline to make sure as much as possible that we don't miss any important breaking news."

"While it can seem like this story is changing fast, most of the history is already pretty well understood. My podcast is a lot about the motivations behind every character's involvement, and the backstories haven't changed in some time, which means that I can be confident while writing each episode that nothing will change too much."

And while I'm constantly reading Trump stories and listening to Trump podcasts, I find myself caught up in the drama and suspense of Bevan's storytelling. The characters and situations are so often ridiculous, it's hard not to imagine the story as some kind of absurd miniseries, despite the real world consequences.


"Oh, it's definitely a miniseries," says Bevan. "One of the advantages I find being on the other side of the world is that I can detach myself from the crises a bit. American political journalists can't just focus on the Russia story … there's also the looming trade war, the tax cuts, the Supreme Court, the healthcare debate, the immigration fight and dozens more incredibly important, pressing issues that need to be looked at."

"But here in Australia, it's kind of like watching a reality series play out … obviously there are incredibly high stakes for all of this, but it doesn't feel like it's happening around me, and I can look at it more as an observer. I think of my podcast as trying to edit the chaos of the reality TV show into a logical, scripted drama."

With nine episodes currently available, and so many characters yet to explore, I asked how long he saw the series running.

"The plan at the moment is for somewhere between 15 and 20 episodes, ending around September or October, with each episode focused on a particular character or important event. That's the point at which my understanding of the story so far will run out. But the chance of the entire story being known by then is close to zero, so my intention is to take a few months off for research, then come back with more episodes on whatever happens between now and the end of this year."

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