

This was published 12 years ago

Summer Bay's class act

Frances Atkinson meets the soap's veteran battler.

EVERY Australian soap has at least one - the Battler, the rough diamond whose rocky past has forged a heart of gold. In The Sullivans it was Uncle Harry (Michael Caton). Bellbird had Joe Turner (Terry Norris) and, for almost 20 years, Home and Away has had Irene Rogers.

''That's Irene's lot in life,'' Lynne McGranger says, looking far more glamorous than her character. ''She's always saying, 'You'll be right, dear. Let me make you a cuppa.'''

Lynne McGranger has spent nearly 20 years developing the role of Irene Rogers.

Lynne McGranger has spent nearly 20 years developing the role of Irene Rogers.Credit: Rebecca Hallas

Set in the seaside town of Summer Bay, the soap has been the home of countless dramas since 1987. But as fans will know, Irene's latest storyline has this battler in need of support.

At the start of the year, the producer revealed Irene's ''journey''. ''They told me she was going to get breast cancer and I thought, 'Uh oh, that's it - curtains,''' she says. But killing Irene off was the last thing on their mind; instead they wanted to develop a storyline about a character who battles the disease and survives. They didn't realise a friend of McGranger's was living the story.

''My friend was living in York and had to travel to Leeds Hospital for 28 days straight of radiotherapy,'' McGranger says. ''She was also on a drug that had side effects.''

Only in television could breast cancer be considered a bonus. For McGranger, it was a chance to explore a side of a character she assumed she knew inside and out. With her friend's support, she built certain details into her performance to lend credibility to the experience.

''After playing the one character for such a long time, there's always a danger that you get too comfortable,'' she says.

There were tough times, though, and McGranger found the role challenging.

''It might sound shallow but it was depressing and I looked so goddamned awful - but that's how sick people look.''


McGranger says the Home and Away writers didn't want to rush the story arc, so for about five months Irene battled the disease. ''You know what soaps are like,'' she says. ''Fall in love, married. Kiss someone, baby. But I was glad the writers treated it with respect. Luckily my friend is fine but I had a lot of people write to me about loved ones they've lost.''

If someone had told McGranger the first day she turned up on set she'd still be there two decades on, she would have laughed - hysterically.

''As an actor, you spend this much time in work [holds fingers centimetres apart] and this much time out of work [flings arms wide], so I never dreamed I'd still be here.''

But in a way, she did. After the birth of her daughter Carly, who's now 21 and at drama school, McGranger said to her husband: ''I'd like to be on a soap. You can stay home and be a house husband.'' She adds: ''So be careful what you wish for because that's exactly how it panned out.'' McGranger was born in Paddington, Sydney, and was a primary-school teacher in the mid-1970s but acting was always a passion.

After treading the boards with productions including Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, she dabbled in cabaret and stand-up comedy. In 1992, she had a guest role in Home and Away and was made a permanent cast member a year later.

McGranger says the cast is ''a family'' and, on occasion, younger performers ask for advice. ''There's pressure on the young ones. There's all this publicity and I suppose sometimes I want them to understand that it's OK to say no.''

Now that Irene's bouncing back, McGranger's hoping her character continues to have a full and interesting life but don't expect a happy ending. ''In true soapie style, I hope she meets the man of her dreams, plans the wedding, marries him then discovers he's a mass murderer. I'd love that.''

Home and Away is on 7pm weeknights on Channel Seven.

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